Several Poor Ticket Responses Recently

To whom it may concern,

In the past couple days, I’ve opened a handful of tickets. One of which was a “final attempt” to resolve a ticket I’d previously opened with Technical Support team back in December 2023 and, after 3-months of providing files, downloading third-party programs to help provide more information, live phone calls with Blizzard Tech Support reps, etc., was finally closed in February 2024 without any resolution.

The recent responses I’ve received from the Blizzard GM team have been wildly unhelpful and I often receive responses which are completely irrelevant to the topic(s) at hand.

  1. After providing specific disconnect error codes for World of Warcraft, I was told that if I was having issues with Call of Duty to contact Activision.
  2. I’ve had disconnect issues where error codes were not generated, as I was not being sent to the login or character selection screens, which was described in the ticket and the GM asked me for the error codes anyway.
  3. Another response regarding disconnect issues, I was given troubleshooting steps for if my PC was blue-screening when that wasn’t mentioned anywhere in my ticket.
  4. I’ve also received responses that Blizzard cannot perform certain actions they’ve performed for me and my account multiple times in the past.

In one of my more recent tickets, I requested some sort of escalation, as it seemed the GM was either blatantly not reading my verbiage or didn’t understand the nature of the request after several back-and-forth messages, and my ticket was just marked as Resolved with no survey provided.

Who can we leverage as a Customer advocate? Who can we talk to when our issues are not being addressed, acknowledged or resolved? Why am I not receiving GM feedback surveys like I used to, so I can provide my feedback directly?

I just need somebody to care…

(If its possible to work with GM Ixzal directly, I would greatly appreciate that. They seemed to be the most helpful and knowledgeable GM I’ve worked with throughout the several months of troubleshooting. If not, I’d still like to throw their name out there for whatever kudos I’m able to provide.)

DC issues can be fustrating, I get that. Since I do not work for Blizzard, can not see your tickets, and you have hidden your post history, I can’t see if you have posted in tech support, or provided any ping reports that might help seek out how your path to Blizzard/Activisions game servers.

Some of the basic information they have already provided can be used. Could it be a local issue, an ISP issue or something else? Unforatunately none of us can point anything in particular with out a look at past reports.

Disconnect codes can be rather generic, so just having those won’t get us anywhere.

As far as feedback to GM staff, you would want to leave that in the survey after completing the ticket.

Start here, unfortunately I think some of this info is dated, and you probably won’t get much in direct support via the forums. Mainly player to player.


Editing this, as it seems I can’t provide another new response until other people chime in…

So, I’ve provided DxDiag, MSInfo, WinMTR and Pingplotter results numerous times in my GM Tickets and they’ve almost never been acknowledged or regarded in GM responses. And, at this point, I’m consistently just getting replies that say, “Seems like another GM tried to help you 6 months ago and it didn’t work. We’re done trying, go look at forums.”

World of Warcraft is the only game in my rotation that experiences any kind of connection issues, so I’ve tried scanning/repairing game files, uninstalling and reinstalling, and I’ve recently factory reset my PC with no success. I even purchased a new $300 router, in case there was a hardware or firmware issue, and that doesn’t seem to have made any impact on my connection issues.

I’ve asked repeatedly if there are adjustments to my ports that need to be made or if I need to whitelist something, etc. And, I’ve never received a direct response about that inquiry. Though, it could be a dumb question, I admittedly don’t know much about network configuration.

The only specific item that’s been referenced by a GM was a particular hop in my Pingplotter results that went to some Blizzard location, which I guess is designed for DDoS protection and will always generate a false negative, or something to that effect. Otherwise, there’s been no reference to packet loss in any files I’ve shared with the GM team.

We’re not going to be able to see those test results because we can’t see your tickets. These days Blizzard has the same approach to connection issues as other AAA game titles. They can take reports about server outages, but local problems on your network should be sorted out with a local network admin or ISP. If you want other people to review them, which is likely what the GM was suggesting, you should post them in the forum.

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Can you provide any more specifics on the issue you are experiencing? Honestly reading your post, I feel like we are the same person lol. Been dealing with an issue since Dec '23, had multiple tickets in. One was closed earlier in the year.

I recently put in 2 different tickets with Blizzard (1 which was closed randomly with responses that don’t seem like they even read what I was saying, just referencing the old ticket). The one I have open now a different GM responds to each time, and it doesn’t feel like the prior responses are even being acknowledged. I also had one that linked me to the Call of Duty forums lol

By chance have you checked to see if your isp is the culprit through the way it sends its data, I’ve had instances where my isp was the problem for all my disconnects and other internet problems in the past.

Can’t speak for OP, but for me specifically I checked with my ISP and they said they can’t find anything wrong on their end but would be willing to work with Blizzard. However in my tickets Blizzard have said they won’t work with them, and when I’ve asked for what I can tell them to look for it isn’t acknowledged and I get generic responses about using the forums.

And my ticket got closed today without any additional info. The response prior asked me to report my disconnect issue to the bug forums? When I asked if that was where I should be posting my issue instead of the tech forums, and once again asked if there’s anything I could ask my ISP to check… they just told me to have my ISP check my modem and closed the ticket with no way for me to respond further.

It actually really sucks, I just want to be able to play the game.

Where are you connecting from? Geographically. Traces during the worse connection times are important.

What kind of connection, are you using wired or wireless?

Your ISP probably is only checking from them to you and your router, Blizzard from them to where their ISP connects to your ISP’s backbone, but between you and Blizzard there are a lot of connections neither have control over.
Under the system tab in the escape menu, try diabling IPv6.


Western half of the US, and the connection drop is intermittent and randomly happens at nearly any time of the day. Morning, afternoon, prime time, late night. I mostly play on a wired connection, but have tried wireless and a different machine (all with no addons). Tried the ipv6 disable step quite awhile ago, been through the ringer trying to troubleshoot this.

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