<Seventh Sun> Dalaran-Alliance 11/11H - AOTC Guild recruiting for mythic

Contact Info: Abel#13443

Seventh Sun
Hey everyone, I am currently Recruiting for my guild that has been around since BFA. Let me tell you a few things about us!

  • Raid nights are Wednesday/Friday @8 eastern

  • Currently AOTC - Looking to prog mythic

  • 2/10M SOD before SOTFO

  • Great raid atmosphere, no hostility.

  • Community driven guild. (We do movie nights, trivia, aotc guild carries, and lots more!)

  • Recruiting for social officers (These help run events, is a prequel to Senior Officer) So this is a chance for advancement in the guild.

  • 450+ Unique ACTIVE members, 700+ total

What we are currently RECRUITING to fill our last remaining spots.


  • Blood DK
  • Prot Paladin


  • Warlock (any spec)
  • Mage (any spec)
  • Warrior (any spec)
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Shadow Priest
  • Feral Druid
  • Balance Druid


  • Mistweaver Monk
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Restoration Druid
  • Discipline priest

These are what are needed, but will take any applications via whisper.
If you are interested in joining our family / mythic raid team. My btag is Abel#13443, available most times of the day.

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