Settings, Addons, Macros when Transferring

When we do the transferring today, will all my settings, addons, and macros be gone?
Is there any way to keep all my macros and settings when using the available transfer later today?


As a player who lucked out being able to stay on their server, I feel bad for people having to ask these questions that blizz should have included in a Q&A answer in their blue post, as I sure as would be asking too if I was in your shoes. Hope you get your answer, but will most likely just have to ask people on discord you know after they did the transfer what they experienced or just plan for the worst case.


Yes go into your classic_era\WTF\Account, find the account>server>character folder for where you are now, copy it.

Do your transfer, log in once and exit game.

Paste it in the new server folder (and rename it to your new character name).



Good looking out I would have had to redo everything lmao

Sometimes this doesn’t work the first go around. After logging in, if the settings are still not there, go to the WTF folder and copy macros.old to the normal macros file. Same for keybindings and anything else you see with information like that. Then the next time you log in you should be good.

After moving all your characters couldn’t you just rename the old folder with your new server name?

No, because most people got screwed out of getting their character names with how the transfers were handled. So you need to make sure the files get copied to the correct new folders, per new character name.

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