I’m going to focus on the Horde one for a minute as I have absolutely no earthly idea what to make the Alliance Allied races what.
Now back when I was leveling for heritage I had
Mag’har Hunter
Highmountain Warrior
Zandalari Paladin
Nightborne Mage
Vulpera Rogue
Now I’ve long since deleted them to make room during the great shuffle of… whatever year my insanity was at it’s peak. Anyway I’m wondering what classes to make them. I know I’m fine with Nightborne and Vulpera remaining as they are but well I guess I was thinking about going what the character select screen initially offers.
Mag’har Warrior
Highmountain Hunter
Zandalari Shaman
Thing is, I already have an Orc Warrior and Shaman so I figure why not Hunter to mix things up, problem being Highmountain has deep roots in Hunter in the Survival artifact.
Zandalari is Zandalari. Like I don’t know which would fit more. Shaman of the Loa or Holy Zealot of the Loa.