Set focus with right click with sarena?

I have sarena but it doesn’t seem like you can set focus by right clicking like you can with gladius, should I switch to gladius? Also sarena does not have 10ths of a second for DR and CC Duration. It makes it hard to know if I can fit in a global before I repoly. Does anyone have fixes for these?

Ive used both and end up returning to gladius out of familiarity over the years.

I think sarena is cleaner and i like it better for that but my access to the information im using them for is better with gladius

I dont have a fix for the microsecond thing

Yea, same. I am thinking about switching to gladius. It will take awhile to adapt, which sucks :cry:

Download sArena Updated.

Don’t use original sArena anymore.

I have the one updated by sammers.

Doo I use gladius bicmex version or gladius standard with undoggo patch?

No clue ive just continued updating the one i downloaded like 10 years ago or whatever. Ill check when i get home sorry.

So both bicmex gladius and regular gladius do not work if the players do not join. Just tested it.