Servers Roll Backs or Most Will Quit

After the massive failure in rolling out the battlegrounds, people were able to get SOD enchants, ZG and SMF buffs, AQ20 ability books, cheaper and better chronoboons, and they were able to hit Honor Cap without ever entering a battleground.

Even with them disabling chronoboons, are they going to allow SOD enchants, P5 AQ20 class books for SOME in P2? People getting over 110k honor in mere hours without entering BGs?

Please Roll Back the servers so there isn’t any advantage to your BG launch failure. Thank you!


Less than a tenth of a percent of people will quit over this issue.


way to miss the entire point my guy. Bravo


You said most will quit.

I said most will not quit.

The point is pretty clear.


People who are here to compete will quit. You can’t compete against people who have SOD enchants, AQ20 class books, ZG and DMF buffs. I’m sure you (Wax) won’t be quitting :slight_smile:


Yeah. They won’t, but that’s cute.


No one has any of those things other than the buffs that actually don’t work. Cry more


How did people hit honor cap without entering a BG?

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I got a grand total of 17890 XP from the two AV I ran, not even half of the honor cap.

seems like most of this didn’t happen, other than the cheaper and better chronoboons which are being broken on server reset according to the newest post


This. Does no one who posts in the forums actually play this game? You can’t enchant people’s things in BG or trade anything but conjured items.


That’s a lot.

They found a window to do feet-stomping. Let em make that noise

I saw some blizzard reply , saying they cannot roll back servers.

I didn’t see a point. I saw a request to Blizzard.

What was your point?

So they borked up and players paid the price.

What else is new?

bro, is wow classic. Ain’t nobody competing.


More people would quit if they did server rollbacks though. I finally got my Dal’Rend MH last night after farming it for the last week or so. If I lost that because Blizz screwed something up it would probably kill my desire to play anymore.

This really isn’t as big of an issue as you think it is.

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Someone bought the propaganda

most this stuff your saying isn’t true since you cant trade in BGs. So I’m guessing you tried to take advantage of the chrono boom situation and are now out a lot of gold. If this is the case cry more. people have raided and cleared instances why should they screw those people cause some made some extra gold and some lost?

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