Server Transfers - Unlock the Realm! At least for pre-existing players

I do not understand how the server can remain “locked” for transfers to players who already have characters on the server. Me bringing over alts from a dead server and playing on them in no way affects queue times for others. This is strictly an annoyance for those playing.

Additionally, why is Mankrik still locked? I have seen a queue time maybe thrice in the last 2 months and each time it prevented me from logging in for all of 2 seconds while I “waited” in queue. I imagine others are hopeful to transfer here for a better gaming experience. If you have ever been on a medium population server…it was dead after 1 month of launch. These fuller servers are still thriving with activity.

Many of us are literally trying to give you money to transfer and continue playing this amazing game. By roadblocking alt character usage, you’re just encouraging raid logging/game fatigue all that much faster.

Please help keep this game and server great.