Server Transfers Solution

You didn’t understand the point.

It was that some people invested time and don’t want to reroll.

Now that i’ve spelled it out for you. cAN u UnDErsTAnd?

Im not rerolling. I won’t intentionally fall even further behind the curve. My time is very valuable aswell.

So that’s definitely their choice. The facts are that everyone has had servers available with zero queue from Tuesday on. Anybody who plays on an overpop server chooses to do so. They decided to value their hours of time invested over playing with their friends. Sounds like a crappy friend to me and it also sounds like not my problem.


IMO it’s kind of silly to not just wait to play with your friends. I could see hey, I cant get in so I’m gonna mess around on a different server for the first week or so until the queue times get better. Abandoning friends for 5 days of play seems a little impulsive and short-sighted

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Its the lazy, self absorbed mentality that retail players brought with them.


Yeah some of us are pretty pissed that anybody rerolled. But what can I say some people can only play during peak times

Put me in the “I just don’t get it” camp. My friends and I reserved names on Whitemane. It was apparent pretty early on that it was going to be crazy, so we all rolled Fairbanks. Over the first two days, some of us got in and leveled, others didn’t. When it was apparent queues weren’t going to work with people’s schedules, those who got in decided to sacrifice the countless hours they had put into their level 10 characters, and now we’re all playing together. Sorry you have bad friends or that you’re too selfish to move for your friends.


I don’t understand this either. Why didn’t you guys all just roll a character on another server if you didn’t want to wait in queues?

All of my friends and I are on the same server. We just waited through the queues, knowing that queues would eventually go away.

So, when they didn’t want to wait to get in the server, you all didn’t call each other and say, “hey, how about if we just make some toons on this other server?”

BTW, Launch was not screwed up. They posted server status once they began filling up, and they posted they were adding servers. The one thing they did not want to do is to end up with 241 servers with most of them dead (see retail).

It is very simple. Either do what you did and roll on a server knowing it would die down, or roll a new character on a different server.

Our whole guild stuck out the long queue times because we wanted to be on a specific server that we knew would have a healthy pop down the road. Not one person complained.

I leveled one toon past 10 on day one while I waited for my friend, and then started a second when she came online on Tues. It wasn’t difficult.

Then find a server to all play together when they are online and go back to your toons on the other server when they are not.

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yeah, falling behind the “curve” is not really a thing in classic. you literally have months of time to level before you should feel like you are left behind. Besides you’re only lvl 30, you dont hit the halfway point till 50 ><;

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Yeah this isn’t a Blizzard problem, anyone who is experiencing what you’ve addressed here brought it on themselves.

Like you said, Kiwi(love the name, so cute!!) in a nutshell, it’s up to us as players to communicate with one another, and ultimately determine which is more worth it, keeping the character you’ve been working on even though you know that some ppl are missing out on your grp, or discuss another server to go to and start from there.

Blizzard has already made a concession and is allowing for free transfers in the next few days/weeks for ppl who want to move off the more populated servers.

But ppl want to blame everyone else but the ones who are ultimately at fault. When this all first started becoming an issue in the forums I kinda felt sorry for everyone b/c of all the excitement. Now I’m just like - you ppl have no experience in communication with your friends, or just want to complain and make Blizzard the fall guy…to which this time at least, Blizzard isn’t the culprit.

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Having too little servers at launch is not blizzards fault? I Guess I shouldve rerolled earlier just to get stuck in the same kind of queues, for me it just wasnt worth it. I didnt bring thing upon myself I picked a server with friends to start and watched them split up, I just want an option where nobody has to reroll again. Theyre obviously listening to the community and I don’t think my suggestion is too rediculous. At this point I would probably be okay with paid transfers aswell.

No, it isn’t.

They had already stated that they were going to remedy this, but to throw out a multitude of servers to then have some be empty, or have very few ppl on them after the initial blow out of the launch was a smart move on their part.

To not have expected this can simply be chalked up to ignorance.

Some ppl have no concept of patience.

We all expected queue times, just not 6 hour ones that lasted several days. Also my server was a medium pop at launch. I was patient with my queue, but not everyone was.

For me I rolled on a PVP server I didn’t want because 2 of my friends are heavy PVP players. They don’t like classic and I love it so now I’m stuck. My other friend went to a PVE server after because of this. I have another group of friends who rolled on another PVE server because it was new and low pop days later.

I invested a hardcore week into my dude, I restarted twice, once on Stalagg and my current dude on Sulfuras because my friends couldn’t log in on Stalagg. I rolled a warrior both times. I’m not restarting that again. I hope they release paid transfers soon.

Because when faced with the choice of waiting out the queues or rolling on another realm to get around them, they chose the latter. Now they’d like to not be accountable for making that decision.

My guild of 20ish folks was able to effect a total move of all of us from Herod to Stalagg and finally to Sulfuras with zero issue to make sure we played together. This was apparently too complicated for other adult human beings to figure out.

Not only did Blizzard continuously communicate about full server, they continued to add them as they filled up. You also had the option to login to classic and see the full servers for yourself for quite awhile. At that time you had the ability to also choose the name of your choice on another server.

All this before the game was released. You now have the option to roll on a low pop server, or just wait until things die down and the queues go away.

I would much rather face a queue now than face a dead server in a month when things calm down.