My monk is last toon in blood hoof everyone of my ally toons are on storm rage and thrall for horde. I want all my toons on same servers for crafting and such! I’ve had him since BFA and he’s my main for TWW but I don’t feel like paying 25$. With easy level and this down time I figured best to to re level a monk with same name on storm rage. TW is so easy and as a main healer I tank or heal for instant groups! My main MW monk is 626 now and just thinking gearing in the next won’t be to bad! What do yall think!
You can be in a guild cross realm and use the Warbank and craft for yourself, if that’s what you’re after.
It’ll be a while for another services sale since this last one just ended.
Make sure there’s no achievements or artifact unlocks you need to keep that character around for.
create your own guild, invite them to guild and do ur own orders
I’m in a cool guild! Just having crafting orders filled late at night and I guess some OCD of have all my toons and same server!
I’d do what sendryn said. Use the warbank.
Since guilds are cross server now, I’ve been branching toons out. Its annoying you can’t mail your toons stuff and have to feed it through the bank, but I think that will get ironed out eventually.
So you’re wanting to make your horde and alliance characters on the same server? If it’s a population thing, then just remake your character, but if it’s a bank thing like everyone else said there’s a war bank that is shared With all your characters, including your your horde Characters.
make server transfers free with a cooldown, blizzard