Server Shutdown in 15 minutes

I dunno Cantonese is from the Hong Kong region, so perhaps we should try Mandarin instead. We wouldn’t want to offend the glorious CCP.


Literally not a word on this anywhere, here, or twitter. It’s just down.

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theres a blue post
what else do you expect? a private sms?

Its not a fix. They’re putting in a minimal change to try to win people over after doing a knee-jerk reaction to harm their customers experience.

It is no where near enough nor does it require a restart. If they can hotfix midgame they can hotfix again and not steal more of the already limited time away from their customers.

They do not care about their customers and it shows.

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ergo band-aid

Less time than that. After work I only have a few hours and it will take nearly the whole prepatch to get 2 items.

Then there will be no time to actually use them.

Blizzard doesn’t consider its customers experience whatsoever.

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so unless my math is wrong I was getting 220 ab win, now im getting 240… is that not like a 12% increase?

Mandarin of course!
Now all the support replies ive received containing random anti Winnie the pooh propaganda makes sense…

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Nah, back in the day they used to get tons more HKs, just go and see the videos.if u dont think im saying the truth just go see the post “How we REALLY got our TBC honor (with sources)” from Zinqf.
Stop simping for Blizz dude, its sad. If you gonna simp someone at least dont simp the multi dollar company.
Edit: Also man decide for yourself what you think, first you were asking for x5 more honor and know you are #StopCrying ? u are pathetic my dude

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It should takes weeks get this OP gear. No one was full R14 when TBC hits except 90% who got it and it should be the same.

Yep! Not hard to see what happened there, is it? They sent out a survey, ffs. How many people honestly believe that the results of that survey told them the appropriate price point was $35?!!! :joy:

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Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Level 68 boost pre-sale.

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people were sabotaging themselves asking for a 35 dollars service that could be free since is exactly what they provide when you log on the ptr

this makes no sense at all

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