well 12 of those are locked and were supposed to already be merged to the realms that aren’t locked, no clue why that didn’t move forward with that plan.
They did. They’re functionally merged; free character transfers are available forever, and new characters can’t be created. They’re letting the servers die naturally before they remove them from the list.
Server merger would be great but they need to first make all the servers anti VPN and region lock players. Or else we are going to see even more RMT going on.
Based on this thread… if I want to roll onto a higher popualtion server in Cata, then the locked ones are low pop? Is that right? All it shows atm is “medium” and “locked” and you’re saying the medium population are the higher population ones?
I got to level 6 before some random guy started following me around sniping all my mobs, couldn’t quest. Immediately made me regret deciding to give cata classic a try.
There were like 4 people in all of durotar at the time, and this guy chose me to come and troll.
Okay when there are 14 level 85’s online and no one available to raid on your already dead server don’t be surprised why.
I get the best of both worlds. Dreamscythe or atiesh my week day plays are on Japan time so its the slower less populated 3rd shift.
And on the weekends I get my honey dos done early in the morning to catch them on the US player prime time Friday and Saturday night. being an average 14 hours ahead has its bene’s lol.
I just plan out the more solo “grind” for the weekdays and get the more social stuff done on weekends. I cannot lie, when its mat collecting loops time, less people is better.
For era, less people also means I can walk into quest bosses not dead on respawn timer nearly as much.
I guess that’s fine for questing and dungeons with rdf. But without a functioning AH how do you farm for gold and what is there on the AH to buy? And if you chose to raid without a cross realm lfr you’re out of luck. I like a medium pop server
Not everybody is obsessed with raids or depend on the AH and just want to play their own way. Not the way they are told to play and have fun. Many don’t give a sh!t about this end game crap.
That’s fine, play how you want. But one doesn’t have to be obsessed to want to sell a bit on the AH and buy a few things now and then. Sometimes I raid and sometimes I don’t but when I do it’s always casual, never hard core.
Heh, I’m not saying playing on a server with less than 100 people is good. Just that for what I’m casually doing now it’s fine.
But yes, ‘medium’ is a fine amount. Even ‘low’ isn’t bad. A server listed low now would have been listed high back in the day (according to Blizz). It’s just that Megaservers have completely warped peoples’ perception for what constitutes a healthy server size. The thing is the original devs wanted server communities. It was an important part of the game. And need and want can bring players together. Those devs understood that. Players had to come together and work together to get things done. On Megaservers you’re just a nameless, disposable number.
Kinda funny they’ve just left a bunch of empty servers open on Cata Classic while there’s a bunch of people asking for an RPPVP server on the fresh anniversary launch.
it be an alliance dominant server like grobb. that still has disparity.
If big pvp is not on en masse well then Ironwolf will do its thing.
NIghtslayer shows what happens when you have 1 pvp server. People still pick deemed bis racials. which for era is horde and undead.
Era has a thread going well gnome racials. Okay…an issue. Many min/maxers won’t be that devoted to make a gnome lol. Wow proved that twice. Diaper gnomes also didn’t see a surge in their numbers.