Server population balance hurting Maladath (OCE)

I understand the goal to try and balance server population on a pvp server. However, the alliance on Maladath is quite small, and the inability to create new horde characters is preventing friends from playing with other friends and actively hurting the server viability.


what do you propose?

Servers are still new; you guys could always just re-roll the other faction.

Allies are BiS in WSG anyway so may as well just accept it as a push in the right direction.

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I would propose not tying a server’s success or failure to a dead faction that by many accounts isn’t viable. Horde should be unlocked/able to succeed even if alliance can’t.

it used to be that way, we demanded faction balance. this is what we want.

why don’t you and your friends go alliance? it’d benefit the server AND you’d play together.


Because I am level 59 and normal people don’t want to reroll another 5 days played…?

so bring the mountain to you. got it.

I wish you good luck.

I am saying if the server was healthy pop-wise, waiting for alliance to catch up is reasonable. Given it is not, we are in a situation where friends can’t play together unless multiple give up 5 days+ if character progression. If this is intended design, fine, but I do not think it is reasonable.

I also doubt my situation is the ONLY one like this.

it’s not the only situation like it. happens on every OCE server in basically every iteration of the game. the OCE region doesn’t have enough of a player base to support it own server especially since they are given access to and make use of North American servers.

the situation with faction balance is that it further compounds the problem in that large faction imbalances on the pvp ruleset servers results in the minority faction quitting en masse then the majority faction tends to follow suit through a slightly slower trickle. because people who roll on a pvp server want to engage in world pvp. by opening up faction character creation for the majority faction they would be hastening the death of the server.

As an Alliance player on Maladath I support Blizz opening up the faction disparity by a few percentage points more if only so that there are more people for me to fight.


It’s a funny thing really, along with Fresh, they’ve added several additional changes so individually, we really have to decide if it’s worth the tradeoffs. Some people may like all of the changes, some may hate them all, some are in-between and/or indifferent…

Faction balance measures, banning GDKPs, changes to dungeon resets, pathing, dual spec, accelerated phase timeline, an LFG tool and who knows what other changes they may bring.

If the changes align with one’s preferences, then that’s amazing! If not, then there are other versions to choose from. If I were in your particular situation, I would probably talk to my friends and see if we couldn’t agree to roll on Defias Pillager, level up and see how far we get on HC before someone dies or we all do (maybe in a group dungeon, if we even make it that far), then transfer over to either Grobbulus or the Whitemane cluster and continue our Classic journey on Era.

We could always come back to Anniversary servers for TBC prepatch or a little earlier to level our TBC mains. But of course, that’s me, and my personal opinion weighing the tradeoffs against my own preferences.


Wish I could hit 59 in 5 days. Still 49, 7 days in.

I support this message.


Its not like arugal in now cata series didn’t give the cheat sheet to see how maladath would turn out.

They are just stopping the trend before it gets to 5 on 1 or worse. Remembering arugal is now the sum total, last server standing, from years of PvP server migrations.

Lots of OCE (or nearby pacific places) alliance already knew dreamscythe would be home really. they learned from Arugal. And pve remulos. That place was never really a monster pve server even when it’s been the only PVE server the whole time.

PIng hits can suck. But a fun fact…one can do way more in a night at 175 ping to a US server than they would corpse camped 5 on 1 for several nights lol.

Lag is microseconds of delay. its not several minutes of corpse walking all night lol.


Allow transfers to Nightslayer only and NOT Dreamscythe.

People tried to warn that this would happen to an OCE server (if provided… and was)

Our region is just unable to sustain a healthy server.

Close Maladath and let them escape.


Considering Maladath’s low population, it sounds like this is leading to a pretty bizarre result.

It’s not like US Megaservers with disparities of hundreds (if not thousands) of players congregating to one side. With the launch hype settled, we’re probably talking the difference of a few dozen active players who would change sides.

PvP balance isn’t going to fall apart in Maladath if there are 18 Horde and 12 Alliance in Searing Gorge instead 15 of each.

Just wanna play horde with my friends but they can’t make characters. forced to play on US for now.

Bump to let people play the game with their friends.

Kind of forced anyway… battlegrounds are with US.

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