As the title says, the goal is compare the ping for east coast players between the two PvP servers: Living Flame, and Lone Wolf. People can come to the thread and see what will work best for them when choosing a server depending on their goals.
Post the following:
Server -
Ping -
State -
I think Living flame must be the Chicago Datacenter
Lone Wolf 64ms
Living Flame - 24ms
im on lone wolf and have a 27 ping. same as i usually have on a west coast server.
Server - LF
Ping - 47
State - CT
For Living Flame I get 30ms here in KY.
For Lone Wolf I get 80ms as it’s a west coast server.
are you guys triangulating the server HQ?
that’s some James Bond stuff…
Pretty sure it’s a Mountain server (at least its time seems to be MST, not PST).
The Timezone label on the website is a lie.
^ This is a lie. Timezone doesn’t always correlate to physical location.
Actual locations are:
West Coast Data Center:
Lone Wolf (PvP)
Wild Growth (Normal)
Chaos Bolt (RP-PvP)
Lava Lash (RP)
Central Data Center:
Living Flame (PvP)
Crusader Strike (RP-PvP)
Why so many West Coast servers, Blizz? Biased much?
[Family Guy The Phony]
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on the website
I was referring to the in-game server time.
You are correct but I believe Living Flame is New York. I’m playing in South Dakota and my ping is about 20 ms higher than it typically is when connecting to Chicago
checking netstat -n
gives the IP address for the server
Doing a geolocate on that IP leads to Chicago.
checking the geo for Lone Wolf gives a location in Las Vegas:
Other entries say Irvine, CA but I don’t think that’s correct.
This is good info. Thank you