Server lag or just me?

As of tonight and a few nights ago my game will lag out. When I check the stats it’ll say I have like 500+ ms home.

I’ll also notice that The world will be fine but everything my character does will have a very noticeable delay.


same heree

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Likewise. Currently at anywhere from 150-1650 ms on home and 120-540 on server. Perfect timing for the invasions.

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Also been having serious lag issues with home servers for the past 2 hours, makes me think there is a potential DDoS going on?

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Feelsbadman started a 21 junkyard and just 3 second delays ,

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Really really bad world latency just started happening. Not really surprising, seems to be par for the course lately and no doubt they’ll blame it on the coronavirus congestion.

It’s all good, just have to pay extra money for a VPN to play a game I already pay for each month


WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
dsldevice.lan 0 292 292 0 0 2 0 1 288 287 7 7 17 8 0 292 292 7 8 54 8 0 292 292 53 57 72 55 0 292 292 53 57 78 56 0 292 292 230 232 276 231 0 292 292 298 302 341 298 0 292 292 226 229 286 234 12 200 177 268 440 520 268 18 172 142 267 447 535 267 0 292 292 275 280 446 276 18 172 142 267 439 556 267 16 180 152 269 442 507 270 11 204 182 268 438 507 269

WinMTR with VPN

<html>WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 1 199 198 209 210 224 210 1 199 198 209 211 228 210 1 199 198 209 210 225 210 1 199 198 210 215 284 212 1 199 198 258 262 330 271 1 199 198 259 267 400 280 1 199 198 257 261 330 259 1 199 198 259 260 287 259

This is honestly the worst state the servers have been in that I can remember.

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Terrible lag the moment. A few in raid are having issues.


Yep, getting massive lag in Ny’lotha and Horrific Visions. Constant 1k ms+ and long freezes while waiting for things to catch up.
Lots of people in my raid are getting the same issue too

I want blizz to refund my vessel, it ends up lagging like sanity didn’t drop, mobs don’t attack me, can’t mount up etc.
And yeah, even my guildmates can’t even raid properly lol.

we just had to cancel raid on mythic carapace prog cuz the whole raid is sitting on 1500 ms… wtf first night of the reset coming off a 2 hr maintenance and game is unplayable

It’s been terrible since yesterday. Couldn’t enter a raid instance, kept kicking me out. One of my toons is stuck in “World server is down” limbo even though the world server is up for my other toons. And the ticket process has been changed for the worse where it doesn’t even submit the ticket anymore like a scam site. lol

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For me it all started yesterday after the extended maintenance. Anything that requires loading takes a long time. I was just kicked out of my garrison because it couldn’t load. When flying into my garrison, it is empty and I could not log out. So I had to force close the game.

Also having terrible latency on both home and world… I’m in Australia connecting to a US server where I would normally have under 300ms. I’m at 800ms right now and have just disconnected.

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Terrible lag where it has me moving around but everyone else is frozen in place. This just has been happening only today not yesterday .

Same here, I can move just fine and even use the chat to talk to guildies but everything else is frozen lagged.

Can’t log out or exit game other than hitting ALT+F4.

So much lag still right now that it’s almost borderline unplayable

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Interesting I had this issue for far longer and is much more pronounced in raid instance than anywhere else for some weird reason.

Continuous Lag-Spike/Crash

has there been any word at all on this subject at all? been having the same problems where everything is great then blam, instant unplayable. Done everything they’ve suggested for it to do nothing at all. even reinstalled the game. really frustrating that its not effecting everyone so i just feel like im stuck in the sea of crap while everyone else is happy on the island of gets to play the damn game.

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