Server Imbalance - Horde Faction Change to Alliance

This is a discussion topic. It is to ask, fundamentally, if faction imbalance can be resolved by faction change. Please keep the focus on this one concept so we can gauge if server balance can be achieved. And note: It is not intended to answer the question, if it is possible, would it actually change the PVP issues.

From the posters, it seems like the Horde outnumber the Alliance on most PVP servers (if not, lets just assume that).

Force merging Horde into Alliance servers doesn’t work because there are more Horde players generally. It just shifts things around. A few servers may become balance; but now, we have created a bigger gap on those that aren’t.

Allowing Horde to change to Alliance. Let’s focus on this one as an intended solution for the remaining discussion.

  • Horde classes, which don’t have an equivalent Alliance class, would require a class change. This means those classes will need to re-acquire their Bis. Assume that is going to be an issue. Assume that a new class can be chosen in this situation. (Assume this for the topic discussion).
  • Horde guild owners would assume the responsibility of informing all their members that their faction is being switched to Alliance.
  • Horde guild owners are responsible for submitting a Faction change request.
  • Non-guild alts would also be required to have their faction changed to Alliance.
  • Assume that not all Faction requests will happen, Blizzard would need to choose and stop when roughly balance, per realm.

So for faction change, lets get some numbers.

Horde guilds owners, if your members are willing to change to Alliance, please post your guild, server, and number of members. This will supply numbers.

This topic is also open for general discussion related to the intended post.

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If BG queues are terrible for horde, my group of friends and I might be open to it.

I don’t think faction change was possible in vanilla tho. That came later on, like in wrath or something?

Yea, it was in wrath. The server imbalance problems are occurring at a pace about 50 times what it was in early wow though.

Yeah I guess that’s why it was implemented then. No reason it couldn’t be now but it’d be an uphill battle against the #nochanges warriors.

Damn I just realized, my buddy’s wife rolled a shaman tho… so I guess we’re f’ed since they are my healer (priest) and wf totem (shaman) lol…

Shamans and Paladins are the main problem with this concept in vanilla.

Yea, i suppose they could do a 1 to 1 switch - shaman swaps to pally, but the gear situation would be a problem. it would require some work on blizzard’s part to get it right which means we’re unlikely to ever see it.

Probably the more likely scenario is that shamans and paladins cannot faction change, but other classes can (if implemented).

I guess the more likely fix for my scenario with my group of friends might be to server transfer to PvE, where queues for Horde could be shorter (if xrealm bgs are pooled based on server type).

Assuming that all PVP issues exist and would be resolved by balancing numbers of players on either faction, per server, a player-lead initiative that may be helpful, somewhat thematic for Alliance (maybe), and even community-fostering (something, I believe at least a portion of the WoW Classic community cares about), could look something like this:

Someone active on the forums, and on a server with high faction disparity becomes a Balance Movement Ambassador.

Duties of a Balance Movement Ambassador

Reach out to guilds on your server to:

  • compile lists of recruitment needs
  • gather starting resources (silver, bags, etc.)
  • coordinate leveling parties (days/times/groups/escorts)
  • liaise with BMAs from other servers to coordinate social PR and recruitment efforts
  • recruit and delegate tasks to Assistant BMAs

Some food for thought.

  1. Player level is too fine. Players want to keep their guilds.
  2. Guilds have the population and thus the focus of this topic.
  3. It keeps Blizzard from having to make one-by-one switching.
  4. It forces the Guild owners to take charge and not Blizzard.

And more importantly, this post was asking mostly about the feasibility of being able to achieve faction balance on realms by faction changes.
I am asking Guild owners to post their willingness to have a faction change and to supply their population numbers.

Not very feasible.

  • Players (guild owners) making decisions for faction change for guildies could lead to incredibly high amounts of customer service needed.
  • Not part of the current code base, and would require considerable changes.
  • Requires effort/ask of Blizzard & Guilds or Guild Masters, very few of whom read forums

Trashcanning ideas is relatively easy. Passing the buck is, too (likewise, making unwarranted assumptions).

you mean server transfers right?faction changes mean you want to change to the wining side which makes this post mute.

you just want to change to the horde now so you can do to alliance what they are doing to you?


Several topics have been created about the unbalance of the factions. My intent, with this post, is to see if factions can be balanced.

If guilds are not willing to change factions (and thus no post responses) then the question has been answered. Faction balance can not be achieved.

If guilds post and say they are willing (and have the population numbers) then it can be an argument for allowing faction changes, per guild.

How would that answer the question?

Firstly, that assumes that guild leaders are reading this post. I’d be incredibly surprised if even 0.1% (not being hyperbolic) of guild leaders even regularly read the forums, nevermind this post.

There are obviously several other issues with this approach, but I won’t harp on the point.

your post said server imbalance-faction change thats means you want to faction change to horde right?

shouldnt your post have said server imbalance-server transfers if you wanted to stay alliance?

to me just the title of your post suggests you want to switch to horde.

Will adjust the original posting. I may not have been clear.

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Citation please, you’re anecdotal evidence is useless.

aw, you didnt play vanilla did you. :confused:

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you must be 12. i am horde and i would be very interested in changing to alliance because my server (stalagg) is like 80/20 horde.

Bump dear blizz gods address this noone plays alliance 30 min bg ques are not for anyone with a life, I will go alliance and pay to do it…this is the way

No! Re roll.

Then go alliance RE ROLL…

Good news you can do that right now …RE ROLL.

Nope. People never want faction change for themselves, they want it for other people so they will have shorter queue times. The only problem is that those folks don’t want to faction change, either.