Server + Faction transfer completed but character not moved

Hey there,

I bought a Server + Faction transfer and it got order status completed.
Money was taken out of my bank account.

My character however is still on the old server (doesn’t have a gear icon next to it anymore).

Any chance someone could look into it for me? Perhaps something went wrong?

Thanks in advance.

The thing is, there are no GMs here on this forum, and as our Blues are SFAs, there is no guarantee of a response. Also the fact that this forum is for players to assist other players.

With what you’ve said, I would suggest submitting a ticket for Purchase Failure, and they’ll be able to see what’s what. Linking Vrak from an earlier thread with the link info.


Will do,



I assume you figured it out, Voidlash? It looks like you are currently logged into the character on the new realm and now as a Troll. :slight_smile: