Server down and multiple people being disconnected?

Area52 is offline now but multiple people from other realms getting dc and characters not showing up in list when able to relog?

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I can log in, but my client can’t retrieve the character list for some reason.

not able to even load character list rn

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a lot of people having issue, even on other server.

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Im on Duskwood

I’m on Aegwynn

same here and Hydraxis but it will not bring up anyone

WTF is crap? I was on. the got disconnected on Area52, now i cant get back in. it says server offline but i have my friends playin on that server


I am having this same issue. I’m stuck at the logging into game server window. I can’t cancel it to try a different realm because it kicks me back to the reconnect button.

As I was typing this it said that it was disconnected.

Alleria here. Got d/c’d running to the bank in Dorn. Reconnect to no avail. Quit everything and reloaded… Stuck on character retrieval @ 3/4 bar until the error code pops in 3 minutes.

Mannoroth server here…disconnected me, can’t retrieve character list, but gf is still playing right now on same server

I got back in, give it a try everyone!

I still can’t. The game keeps telling me my character is not found.

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I keep getting “Character not found”