I’m curious to know when Blizzard will be closing several of the smaller, dying servers and moving to a couple megaservers like how they want their other WoW versions to have.
Good example is Grobbulus, which is barely hanging on with less than 2k serious raiders/pvpers on each faction. When they closed chaos bolt on SoD, it had more people than Grobbulus does now. It would make sense for everyone on Grobb to move over to Faerlina or Bene depending on their faction. So why wait, Blizz, why wait any longer?
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I don’t think Grobbulus is on the list for the chopping block. (Oh, you mean Cata? — still, idk… 2k raiders on each faction is a very large server by oldschool standards, not sure what will happen today).
Grobb is the only server of its type and will not be closed any time soon.
Bloodsail Buccaneers has even fewer people, but is also the only server of its type, and will not be closed.
Well according to Blizzard anything that isnt a 60k populated megaserver is suspect to be closed (Chaos Bolt again for example.
And i dont think they care too much about that, given they shut down on rppvp server and relabeled another in SoD, and furthermore still won’t budge on a rppvp server for anni
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That’s a pretty solid example. They seemed
to have a population of around 6K and got shut down, so…
That is on seasonal realms though, where at least presumably they are experimenting with different ideas.
Anyway, who knows what they’ll do? One thing is pretty much for sure though: no matter what it is, it will be the worst case scenario for some people.
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This is of considerable concern to me as I am presently on a dead/locked server (Windseeker) and I honestly prefer it. Lost interest in “keeping up with the Joneses” and have been perfectly content to spend my time being a completionist without a raid schedule to bog me down.
This is just my guess, but I think they’re keeping these servers around for MoP launch. When MoP comes out, you know there’s going to be a massive flood of people coming to try it. This way, they wouldn’t be overwhelmed and have to open more servers.
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Yep. It’s the only balance pvp server west coast. That’s me forgetting the rp part for arguments sake and simplicity. Era shows they don’t have rp servers as needed.
It have 2 choices. Altiesh pve or white mane. I’d not judge alliance going atiesh. Since whiteman horde plus grobb horde would not bode well.
Or the really off option of ping hit to benediction/faerlina. And alliance would not go faerlina lol,
Unlike era, cata can’t successfully take away west coast options easily. Era said day 1 Pick night or dream. No arguments, it’s all you get.
Then they added maladath last minute. But that is an issue for its own thread lol.
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I hope they don’t do it. Atiesh has 5k and I think that’s a great size. Of course it’s 98% alli. I wouldn’t care if we got 5k horde but I don’t want the alli pop to get larger. I don’t know how small it could get before it wasn’t fun to play on though, 3k? 2k?
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Aetiesh is certainly alliance heavy. more players than horde for sure.
Grobbulus is the only RP-PvP server. Grobbulus players don’t want to be merged into a non-RP megaserver. So I’m sure Blizzard will do that soon.
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Really they should merge grob, faer and bene into one but they won’t.
Faerlina and Benediction maybe, but Grobbulus is literally not the same type of server. I doubt anyone on Grobbulus wants to be merged into a non-RP megaserver. 2k raiding characters per faction is more than enough for a healthy server.
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Is Grobb still one of the most faction balanced servers?
h ttps://ironforge.pro/population/classic/?locale=US
yeah still the only balanced server but its shrunk like all the servers
Grobb hasn’t been a real RP server since like TBC when it became the only balanced PVP server and everyone transferred onto it from the other dying servers. You still get people named Juicyfartzz that never get their name changed when they get reported like they used to in original classic and TBC.
And you can say that 2K people is a lot of people, but there’s only 18 25-person guilds that have killed at least one heroic boss in Firelands on Grobb-Alliance. And several of those have already transferred off the server since Firelands came out or switched to 10-man. If you go through the list on warcraft logs there’s only like 5 or 6 left. So many people have transferred off the server or stopped playing for one of the twelve other versions of the game that Grobb sucks and they should offer free transfers off of it. But that would require someone working at Blizzard to actually do something to Cataclysm Classic.
That need whitemane thrown in too. or that be a dangling 99% on the west coast.
While numbers are low now, it is potentially 1000’s who can come back. 1000’s of horde.
Also…a ping hit. See the most fair system here no one would like.
SOD/ERA set up in Mountain TZ iirc. and all move there. East coast crews too. they get nightslayer rebranded.
All get a ping hit. West coasts ping hit is lower, but its there.
And then grab popcorn as people rant on OCE slowing down instances lol.
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It is, but WPVP is pretty much dead at this point. Say what you want about BIGPPVP and IWC, but those two going at it made the server feel alive. Now it’s depressingly empty. My guild is hoping we get free mergers / transfers at some point; otherwise, I am hoping we dip out pretty soon. I have very much enjoyed Cataclysm, but the lack of players on Grob is a bummer.
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1 pvp server and 1 pve server would be the healthiest for sure.
My server Myzreal got all the low pop servers BEAT.
Progress Data Will Show Here
As Soon as the First Guild Logs a Pull
So if I create a raid, pull a mob and post the log, I’ll be the first guild on warcraftlogs on my server? haha
Odd, someone must have logged a dungeon I was in. If you go to Myzrael’s “heroic dungeons” you’ll see only a few characters, only one of my DPS are listed (Goatrancer). Four of my tanks (Gemma, Vectra, Fondled, Cons). Why is Cons ranked so low, compared to my horde pally Gemma who is geared about the same? I never really got into these log thingies.
Yeah… been hearing our server would be closing before cata was released.