Server change, wtf settings didn't transfer

so did a realm transfer for one of my characters. but it broke all of my addons. . . like the wtf data didn’t transfer between servers

Yep, I’ve had this issue multiple times. It bothers the frick out of me. What I usually do now and days is screenshot all the settings I have for UI stuff. Mainly Bartender and Vuhdo.

theirs likely something in the wtf folder that only reads one realm at a time for specifics.

the issue is if i just carry over my stuff. whenever I add or update a WA for one toon on one realm i need to do it for the other realm as well. that will be very obnoxious

edit: sometimes all you need to do is google it. this is a common enough issue

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The issue is that most Ace3 addon settings are stored in the main SavedVariables folder rather than the character specific ones. You could use a quality text editor like Notepad++ to search through your WTF folder to references to your old Name-Server combination and rename them to the new Name-Server combination.