Serrated Bone Spike not properly refunding Combo Points

If you hit the same target with SBS multiple times, it will not refund a combo point upon death.


100% Can confirm.
The damage tick doesn’t always generate combo points and just “stops” after a while.
If you double stack SBS on a single target you don’t get either spike back on the target’s death


Please fix. I went through a covenant switch to Necrolord just to find out SBS has been broken.

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Please fix this problem, it is already hard to play rogue.

+1. It also isn’t awarding a bone spike via Deathspike when a second target dies.

Extra great: if you use Deathspike once on each of 2 targets (thus hitting both with 2 spikes, one as primary and one as secondary target) you will be refunded 0 when they both die.

PS: if this is an intentional thing to nerf Deathspike, it should be made clear from the tooltip, as this also makes the legendary much worse than it would appear.

Please fix,feel so bad

Please please

Please fix this


plz fix this

After a whole week plus two days, this bug is still here. sheeeesh

I know there’s a lot going on at blizzard, but you do have some good employees who treat women with respect. Can you get one of them to fix this? I miss playing my rogue.

1000 years later fix it lol

This sucks, its like getting dunkin’s doughnuts instead of Krispy Kreme :face_vomiting: