Serpent's Wrath bugged?

For the weekly world quest Serpent’s Wrath, I reached 100% on the objective of “complete activities and secure the Siren Isle” and it did not auto-complete or progress to a new objective. The reward also changed from Seabed Leviathan’s Citrine to Crate of Bygone Riches on the map. I have not started the Siren Isle on any other character yet either, so the quest has not been completed on the account elsewhere either. Is there something I missed? If not, is there a known fix?

I got to 100% and it wouldn’t phase over. I was supposed to get a citrine for completing this. So I go to dornogal and back to siren isle, now the reward is gone and i have the option to do the storm thing. Did I miss out on a citrine?

I can confirm that if you leave the zone and come back, it does complete. However, it does seem to cause one to miss out on the reward of the citrine if it bugs upon completion. I am doing the chain on an alt now to try and get the citrine since they are warbound. Best of luck.

On my alt it was offering a cache as the reward, not the citrine i missed out on. kinda bummed because it looked like a cool one :confused: let me know if you figure out a resolution! i will do the same.

I had the same thing happen to me. When I went back to Siren Isle, though, I was able to buy the Citrine that had been the reward from the quest (before the bug) from Taljori.

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I can confirm it is available for sale from Taljori.

I’ll check. Thanks yall!

There it is, That seems like a lot of stam!

Logging out and back in worked also.

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This worked. I went to the inn and logged out really quickly and logged back in. The quest completed and then started the Special Assigment.


Blizzard, hire some QA, I’m begging you.


Yet another L update for TWW. This xpac is rapidly nosediving to Shadowlands levels of suck.


I logged out and back in and it did fix the issue. It also gave me the Special Assignment: Storm’s a Brewin. Hope this helps.