Serpent Sting

Please, Blizzard, add this back. Hunters, at least Survival, should have a way to easily pull mobs. It feels awful not having this while doing outdoor content. I wouldn’t even care if this were a talent node somewhere in the base Hunter tree that is out of the way, which hunters can choose if they please.


It’s for button bloat, now kill command will be our pull spell but i agree with you anyway, even that would be better for us to let it go i think so fun to have it

I hate people who complain about button bloat. I want to play a mmorpg not some watered-down game. Some mobile games have more rotational abilities than WoW. Adding the ability back isnt a button bloat situation anyway if players can choose to take it. Would basically be considered another part of utility that a hunter can choose to have.


I agree but im also of the camp that if i get it free from Raptor strike id rather be able shoot Arcane shot with a 2h weapon we can just use the hand crossbow animation and it just be extra kit if in a bad situation when Aspect of eagle is on cooldown. But if i cant ill waste my focus just to spam serpent sting again with bombs and KC and exsplosive shot then i want Arcane shot to be useable past lvl 10 and not need to weapon swap.

It isn’t really a button bloat issue, because even when you specced into it you wouldn’t actually use the spell itself, you’d just pick it up so you can then talent into Poison Injection / Hydras Bite.
It was more than likely removed because it made no sense as a standalone active talent. If anything it was just a noob-trap.

Now if you’re an advocate of more binds well then how about macros to swap weapons? Then you can Bow, Arcane Shot, Polearm.

Or Tranq Shot/Explosive Shot?

yeah…a bow takes up a bag slot. Then I also need to find a bow.

That’s going back against why Blizzard removed ranged weapon slots in the first place.

Blizzard could have done something about this, but with what they did with the rework I’m not going to sweat weapon swapping. With the rework I don’t think there’s anything worth weapon swapping now.

The “handy crossbow” does it all. Otherwise Blizzard would have improved the functionality.

Complains about needing a bow in your bags.


Yeah bags are always full. One less slot. I can always make more action bars or key binds if I need.

Skill issue

bring back offhand bow let us arcane shot to kite and pull when hp low