Serpent sting on action bars

anybody else miss having serpent sting as an ability on your action bars?

It’s baked into talents now which is fine; just like it was this past xpac BUT anyone else find it feeling bad not to be able to use it to dot something with the low resource cost?

edit: i’m speaking for sv; idk anything about bm/mm post pre patch


Yes, I miss it in both PvP and PvE when I could not Engage in pvp or during pulls i would just apply/reapply Serpent Sting, 10 focus it was easy and cheap and the animation looked cool.
now i have to try to catch up with the tank and be in melee with reduced range, generating more thread if i don’t misdirect and in pvp all i can do is Kill Command spams and be in melee with a warrior that can kill both my pet and me.


yeah i’m noticing i also have to heal my pet on CD basically. aoe dmg erasing pets

Been missing the denser 12s duration damage since Shadowlands ended, and even more so missing the loss of the button outright now, yes.

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But I am surprised as to why Salvo didn’t get the same treatment.

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Salvo was originally a passive that fired off automatically on your next Multi but they created the current active version to give fine control to the MM.

What allowed Survival to be successful in large scale PVP battles for the past couple of expansions was being able to pressure the enemy team by efficiently spreading Serpent Sting with Hydra’s Bite, piling Wildfire Bombs on top of that, and securing kill targets for your team with Harpoon.

Replacing Serpent Sting + Hydra’s Bite with Viper’s Venom + Contagious Reagents leaves Survival twiddling its thumbs on the outside for the most part, having very little offense to contribute and no reasonable explanation for why such a change was made.

TWW is shaping up to be a huge let down as Blizz seems to have found the things that I enjoy about each spec and systematically replaced them with far inferior versions or removed them outright.

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idk i never pressed it anyways
im sure ill miss it at the start of the xpac for pulling stuff
but i can just huck a bomb or scream at my pet instead

I def miss it from a PVP perspective. I liked using it to

  • Prep latent poison on targets
  • Keep people in combat from they’re about to duck around a corner to drink/restealth giving me a few more seconds to catch up to disrupt
  • Have free globals to just dot and maximise damage

For PVE it was good to use it for big pulls and kill things at range, without using spells that had cds.


it’s one of those spells that was low impact, but when you start the day to day stuff or pvp/ pulling etc you realize just how much you unknowingly pressed it

I just think since we still use the spell via talents, i’m a little confused as to why it was removed as a functional spell. If you don’t want to use it and solely rely on the talent then you can also do that with no impact.