
Your all gone huh?? well sht… “edit to say” … everything is so robotic now and … lame… all the capitals are quiet as a wake… thats nuts , there is no community no more , why??? are yall indoctinated? … sounds stupid and lame , … screw that train of thought

What exactly are you upset about?

everyone i knew is basically gone , and every zone i go to has no one speaking , its just gold farmers … there is no conversations, ppl are lame …

Are you sure you’re on BWR? Because the BWR’s I play on is lively and during the anniversary event I’ve been having a ball. Most of the people I once knew are gone now too but that hasn’t changed my fun.

If you want community maybe Classic might be more your thing, that’s back from the day. Guilds are still important.

Sorry you’ve got the big feelings. But many of us are still here.

yea its fine, … i get emotional sometimes xD