To be fair, though, that’s where the old Northrend Dalaran CoT portal dropped us, so they’re just restoring what they removed.
Of course it would have been nice for them to take the opportunity to relocate it - its position outside the cave was probably much more useful to players before Uldum came along.
Just do what I do.
Play another (non Blizzard) game for a few minutes, get engrossed in it and remember when you’re turning your PC off for the night you were on a flight-path in wow intending to do something or other.
This ^ … why not enjoy the world you’re playing in. Let me be there now… let me farm this dungeon… let me do this quest right now… right this second or blizzard is wasting my time waaahhh…
That’d be nice. It would. In the past, I could do just that. No sarcasm.
Except rather than creating new content with original mechanics and objectives that might, I dunno… be FUN to do… Blizzard has gotten lazy and provided motivation by boosting rewards instead, so that we’ll keep doing mindless dull kill/fetch filler quests over and over.
Even daily quests in past expansions had SOME variety to them. Since WoD that original to filler ratio keeps dropping. Now it’s almost all filler and what little original variety exists are mostly the tortollen WQ’s that are, with one partial exception… really irritating given how many times they need to be done before one finally becomes exalted with the little menaces.
love the new portal room.
I’ve been thinking for years that the game needed a space designed to house its ever growing collection of portals.
However, they shouldn’t have removed the old ones. As the room grows and increasingly has better functionality than outdated hubs, like Shrine from MoP, it would undoubtedly become the go-to place for people seeking portals.
Also, the MoP and Legion portals are super awkward.
They should put you in the continents main hub, not zones like Jade Forest and Azsuna. It’s just plain inconvenient compared to the portals we lost.
Seriously. They flat out removed portals that don’t exist anywhere now (Kara, shrine, legion dal, dal crater, probably more i’m missing). They couldn’t have thrown those in while making this one?
On topic: It took me like ten minutes to get used to the new portals. With cloak, dal ring, regular hearth, garrison hearth and shipyard compass (as has been mentioned), access to them is easy. That’s not even to mention additional stuff like druid, dk and monk port to their class hall, or mages (obviously).
One to each xpac (two to BC), then a FP to wherever I have to go. Gives me time to get a soda, take a break, whatever.
Flight path, get a snack
flight path, get a drink
flight path, stare out the window
flight path, nap on the couch
flight path, hit the restroom
flight path, get another drink
flight path, drool on the keyboard
flight path, get a drink
flight path, weigh myself… wonder why I’ve gained 3000 pounds playing WoW
flight path, get a snack…
Yeah, i hear ya. But… in my experience, anyway, when I go to one of these older places that used to have convenient flight points, I’m only going there either briefly, infrequently, or both.
So, yes, snack, drink, window, couch, restroom, etc. Over a period of six months.
BFA has it’s problems but the new portal room actually looks amazing, and it does make sense to consolidate stuff. Some of routes people took were very non-intuitive and took them in very roundabout ways to get to their destinations. I feel like the only people upset are those who just complain about anything Blizzard does, or collectors who farm solo content like old raids and mount runs and are mad the change adds 4 minutes per character or whatever.