Laughs on a non-Dalaran realm. “Whoops, guess I can’t pay you for that teleport. Ta!”
you can’t get me to caverns of time anyway… so no biggy.
Laughs on a non-Dalaran realm. “Whoops, guess I can’t pay you for that teleport. Ta!”
you can’t get me to caverns of time anyway… so no biggy.
Yes, it was in the portal area in Legion Dalaran (the area underground). Those portals were provided for quests (mostly the Artifact ones) or the ones with Chromie (in case of Wyrmrest Temple).
Oh that one. Yeah I remember that one.
That’s fine. If you consider “Time travelling” as “Time playing” ( I do NOT. ) then it must be great fun for you, sitting there… watching scenery go by … doing nothing. Waiting.
For a chance to actually get where you want to be so you can DO something.
But hey, if not playing while playing is fine for you? You’re welcome to it. I left Vanilla because travel was a massive drag.
Size of the world is irrelevant, it’s about whether the world is FUN and COMPELLING to engage in. And … well, this makes it less. Much less.
Enough that I’ve already unsubbed… just waiting for my time to run out.
My port to Theramore is pretty close! You can pay me…via other means
Says who? You can already reach several different “expansions” without even having to use a port (by port I was meaning from a class like Mage). Between your garrison stone, Dalaran stone (for Legion), portal in Boralus has portals to all the capitals and Silithus. Then you have SW with portals to Exodar, Shattrath, Dalaran (Northrend), The Jade Forest, Stormshield, Ashran, Azsuna and Boralus.
Now I assume the Hordes versions are basically the same, so where are you trying go that there isn’t already some kind of easy access to?
Travel is part of the adventure
See the thing is, Blizzard said those portals in the dalaran basement are SUPPOSED TO BE THERE if you’re on a quest that needs them.
not that anyone would know that if they’re not there the rest of the time.
And certainly they’re not there for all quests that need them because blizzard kind of slapped at it as an after-thought and missed a lot… so bug report them when they’re not there, and maybe in 9.0 they’ll get that fixed.
So much breakage, and for what? “The game feels larger?”
no it feels DUMBER.
It’s not an adventure unless something happens.
It’s a commute. Got enough of that in RL that I don’t need it here where I’m paying to play a game that’s SUPPOSED to challenge and entertain me. And failing.
Portal room isn’t bad - it was the removal of portals that was the issue.
Good to see Caverns of Time portal returning, but that feels like a ‘here you can have this one, now please shut up about portals’ type of change.
Pandaria portal should be set to shrine, Legion portal to Legion Dalaran, portal to original Blasted Lands Dark Portal put in portal room and all other portals returned to places where they were removed (Dalaran, Shrine, Ashran, etc).
We can’t help it if you don’t value your time like others do.
I dont think your fair to yourself now tho. Theres no chanlenge in going back doing old raids …
i do value my time, I just dont play the game like its a race … well not in the type of content we are talking about atm.
Since when is walking into the kitchen to wash dishes or tabbing out to watch cat videos “adventure”? I mean, there really is nothing adventurous about taking a five minute (or longer) taxi ride to get where I can actually start playing the game again.
We were told the CoT portal would be returned, but it hasn’t happened. I’m not interested in wasting time just to get to instances that I want to farm so I’ve given up on those. When I finish whatever I logged in to do each day, I now log out instead of doing my farming runs. I’m sure that was exactly the result Blizzard intended when they removed portals and made it harder to get around, right?
The challenge was to use every trick and tool available to make each run as FAST as possible so we could get another shot at the 0.01% drop rate mount that we missed… or the random rare piece of xmog that we’re trying for.
But heck… who cares about faster when it now takes minutes longer to get there for absolutely no sensible reason what so ever.
We were also told that it would drop us in the CoT nexus… but on PTR (last I checked) it drops us at the mouth of the caverns, which takes a full minute to navigate down to the dungeon/raid entrances.
Yeah yeah… 1 minute… big whoop, I’m sure Phetustein will say next. It adds up, and when efficiency is the only metric by which you can measure ‘improvement’ losing a minute (or 5) per run is can be a 3% to 10% downgrade.
First time content, progression content… I savor, take my time, enjoy it.
After two dozen or more times through identical content, it’s a race, because there’s nothing new to see or experience there anymore, it’s ENTIRELY about the reward at that point, not the experience, because I wouldn’t be doing it otherwise.
This is really my one outstanding gripe once we get the CoT portal back.
i dont know man i farmed alot of mounts/pets too (you can look my profil if you want) I never felt rush to do those farming runs …