Seriously, what is this

If blizz goes the way runescape did with OSRS+ (Classic) overtaking rs3 (retail) with Wotlk+ then who knows

Good-ish is never good enough!

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I wonder how many recycled skeletons (it’s a kodo) it’ll take for players to actively not care about these rewards.

I know I gave up years ago, lol.

Mage Tower (OG) was the last time I cared, because we never had something like it before.

It’s pretty, but it has a weird sort of scuttle, rather than walking like a beast.

i love this little monster baby. Maybe I gotta do KSM now…


Oh yeah, shrinky dink ghosts were the pinnacle of mounts :roll_eyes:

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I will be using this in all my keys and bgs where u obviously can’t fly

Spoken like someone that’s bad at M+.

Also it’s deserts.

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The bright side is mythic plus players will get more mounts under their belt.

Also depends on how they move/fly.

Some who look good have not so good animations or a unusually large hitbox (nether rays) or they sometimes look not so great but the ride is smooth.

Title reminds me of the Eddie Murphy skit…

“What is this?”

“What?! Is?! This?!”

What is disconnected about it? it looks like a very standard wow beast.

Of course you will use it… inside dungeons… where you can’t fly… the same place you get them… to show off…

What is the point in collecting any mount that you don’t intend to use it? it is called collecting.

Threads like this are exactly why you can never trust it when people go around proclaiming “what players want” based on what they see on the forums.

Dude created this exact same thread a day ago, and apparently bumping that one wasn’t good enough.

Mount looks pretty cool and you’ll be using it in M+ and raids. I’d like to also have a dragon mount skin though

I’m just glad I won’t have to buy a carry cause I don’t want that mount, lmao. Saves me some GOLD! Thanks Blizz!

One might call this a “Slap in the face”

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No they shouldn’t. No rewards, other than gear, should ever be tied to the cancer that is m+.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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This is fine. Once. Current KSM mount is cool, but having it 4 times with just a color change is just lazy BS.

Make each season a different skeleton/ skin, rather than just a different color.

Sigh. Ever heard of BGs and places, like Oribos, where there is no flying.