Seriously they nerf BM again?

Yes, BUT the pet dispel should work on Hunter and pet, same as Exhilaration.

I would have to agree with this part, Fyrakk ticks hurt I try to ratate my heals and harden ability I sometimes don’t make it through the fight unless I step out for a bit.

Spirit pets can, but it’s not that great. Have to target yourself and than hit the spirit mend button.

All spirit pets are tank pets, I miss selecting pet spec.

For Emerald Dream raid, BM is in a bad spot with pet deaths in lava (also with a few other raid bosses that have lava, correct me if I’m wrong).

should every spec be good at everything?

Correction: The BM’s who rgn’ed into a rare bow that was only as strong as it was because it was bugged were great in 10.0… until blizzard fixed the bow, buffed to make up for it, then went through 4 consecutive weeks of nerfs until BM was worse off than even those that never got the bow in the first place.


Yes, BMs were great in 10.0. :+1:

Yeah, using that in your argument is disingenuous at best.

Listen, it sucks having a super special weapon, but you can’t just ignore how strong BM was for a majority of 10.0. That’s just as “disingenuous”.

If we start considering that as a dishonest point, then there’s no point saying if certain specs are strong because they rely on BiS to hit sim numbers (insane, the way the game has always worked) or you can’t say specs are strong because it’s too up to player skill (again, absurd statement)


Every spec should have roughly equitable tools to deal with problems that every character is expected to deal with. We have excellent mobility tools and decent burst damage defensives. We have crappy recovery against rot damage.

I’m fine not being good against rot damage, if they stop putting tons of rot damage in the content I’d like to run. If the dungeons/raids are designed such that the expectation is “Use a personal for X mechanic”, then every class needs to have a suitable personal to deal with X mechanic.


Good news, if you did big damage before nerf, you still do big damage, and if you did bad damage as bm before the nerf, you still do bad damage. Dont see why everyone needs to lose their minds over this.


Throwback to the homogenization era of MoP and how many people dislike it

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Comparison is the thief of joy.

Don’t worry about what does or does not happen to other classes and specs. Focus on what happens to us.

We’re in the top tier now. Even after the nerfs. Let’s enjoy it because like every other time and for every other spec, it does not last forever.

Classic players tho.

The reason specs can’t be severely deficient in certain areas e.g. lacking an interrupt is because since Cataclysm and especially Legion they took an approach of specs being a major identity/gameplay choice rather than just something you change to fit the current content, damage profile etc. With that model it leaves less room for specs to lack things. In HFC MM was a single target powerhouse but had almost no AoE whatsoever. Back then that wasn’t so bad because there was no M+. Now something like that would be a disaster.

It’s crazy the amount of unavoidable rot damage this expansion. When i started my hunter i made him a Draenei to be sure to have the 1% hit rating buff at all time and be able to remove a hit rating piece in favor of an armor pen piece but this expansion i’m happy to have gift of the naaru. It heals for 20% life over 5 sec and can crit. I use it on CD.

It’s all fine because it’s not a massive nerf and it’s a nerf to the 4 pieces bonus only not the base damage. But i remember when demonology was hit with 3 consecutive nerfs between 1.0.7 and 10.1 lot of people on the forum had this attitude that if you’re a top player you’ll remain a top player but my damage on my demonology warlock went from pretty good when 10.0.7 went live to mediocre once the 3 nerf hammers had done their job. It went back to sort of goodish once i got the 4 pieces, the back and the class trinket but the road to get there was a painful one, painful enough that i decided to switch class.

So yeah it’s fine cause it’s not a major nerf but going with the attitude that if you’re good you’re good and if you’re not you’re not is, in my very humble opinion and said without any intention to offend, kind of elitist. It’s fine for now. But i hope they’ll monitor this closely and make sure an average gamer like me can still do good dps when everything will be said and done. Not sure using the top 3% as a baseline to balance classes is the best way to do it. The opposite would not be either. Got to take into account casual players like me and try to balance classes for everyone who can press buttons on a keyboard and understand simple mechanics.

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Where is the line? Should every spec have a kick? Maybe. Should every spec have an immunity? Probably not, but where is the arbitrary line of “everyone needs this” vs “this is mechanical flavor”

Right, the game evolved and progressed and grew past “just raid”

Has anyone ran their toon thru the raid(N/H) since the Nerf?

Using Fyrakk as an example - Last week I ran it at 463 and this week ran it at 469, yet my dps is down almost 15K ST. You would think the Ilvl increase would all but nullify the nerf, in my case. ( When comparing week over week).

Seems like more then 4% ST nerf.

Not sure if there is a bug in the intended nerf, for if it hit a lot hard then expected. But feels terrible.

Curious on not opinion - but actual results in play so far.

Love & Respect - Az

I’m thinking they overnerfed as well. I haven’t posted about it, because there are always the people that don’t check anything and insist you’re wrong.

I haven’t raided yet this week, but last week I was 460-469 ilvl and finished most M+ between 200-215k overall. Today, my best run has been 162k overall. It might be the difference between Tyrannical and Fortified, but I feel noticeably weaker.

and no spiteful to pad on as well

Every spec should have a tool to deal with a given mechanic.

Sometimes the tool for rot damage is a short CD heal. Sometimes it’s a dispel. Sometimes it’s having passive DR such that you shrug it off. Sometimes it’s having enough health that you can absorb the damage. Sometimes it’s a combination of things.

Hunter has none of these things. I’m not asking for the same tools other classes have, I’m asking for unique tools specific to Hunters, mechanically and thematically appropriate for Hunters, to deal with an increasingly common encounter mechanic.


Bruh you cannot be serious we literally have 2 of the things you mentioned

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