Seriously they nerf BM again?

It is when the other powerhouses were also nerfed and those 3 specs were well and truly ahead of the rest.

How did you adjust to factor it in

so what’s the line in your sand? do all 3 specs need to be great for 6 years straight? just two? what time factor? pretending hunter is “always mid” is just dramatic


id be content if they were consistently middle of the pack rather than have 1 great 1 good 1 bad/1 great 0 good 2 bad

so like the entirety of dragonflight?

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If you want a more accurate assessment of how well BM is doing, just look at the logs without Augvokers. BM is very much middle of the pack. Not great, but also not bad. It’s in a good place in my opinion.

  • Logs with Augvokers show BM doing great and the Augvoker below average.
  • Logs without Augvokers show BM about middle of the pack.
  • Logs with Augvokers but without BM, show Augvokers doing better than average.

We already know there are issues with Hunter pets and logging. They fixed some of them, but it’s still not right. Until they fix the logging issues, BM is still getting credit for some of the Augvokers’ contribution. Nerfing before fixing those errors is shortsighted.


There are other specs and classes with issues to aug attribution as well btw

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ok this doesn’t change the fact that hunter has had plenty of patches with a S tier spec tho

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None as large as BM Hunter. As far as I know, the other big pet class (Demo) had most of their attributions fixed. Still not perfect, but much closer than BM.

forgetting about sin

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I pugged to 3.2k as BM last season when we were bottom of the barrel. After that awful experience of being passed over for groups playing queue simulator, I just couldn’t be bothered re-grinding again this season even though we were buffed. But I knew we would be nerfed back down again…Blizzard doesn’t seem to like a pure dps class being top at dps. :man_shrugging:t2:

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8.3 was visions of nzoth, bm was decent. not absurdly strong, which was also year and years ago., BM was great in 10.0 in terms of what? it was solid damage if you had " The BOW" and then it was nerfed again immediatly.


I can’t believe people are saying Assassination rogue is easier than BM in this thread, you people are really making the “BM hunter is so easy, all the bad people play it” true. BM is BY FAR the easiest DPS to play in the game and it’s not even remotely close.


DH, AssinRogue, BM should have gotten a flat 15-20% damage nerf all abilities. All three got off very easy with a slap on the wrist nerf wise.

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Should be fine. Doesn’t look like a big nerf. BM right now is in a very very very good spot. Not as much as the end of BFA but a little nerf wont hurt too much. I’m just happy they did not nerf it as much as they nerfed Demono in 10.1.

Dunno. Ret is pretty easy. DH too. Affliction is very very easy as long as you are using weak auras and plater. Subtlety rogue is quit easy too. Honestly over the years i mained all those dps spec : ret, moonkin, surv (old and new), MM, bm, frost mage, fire mage, assassination rogue, sub rogue, combat rogue, demono lock, aff lock, destruction lock and the hardest to play in all those imo have been demono lock by a landslide not even close. Damage punish you a lot. Any kind of mechanic punish you a lot. Any kind of downtime kills your dps (healer drinking, rp, …). You depend on borrowed powers a lot. I’D rank assassination rogue maybe the 2nd but i’ve not played it in a while so maybe it’s easier.

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BM was totally 100% broken in 8.3. It was the best BM has ever been and will likely ever be. 60% crit resetting bs all the time (to a point where you could have the bleed on 4 different targets at the same time). Almost permanent BW (thru barbed shots reset). Permanent AotW in keys (thru ms reducing the cd on 3+ targets). Something like 400% mastery under AotW (azerite talents). Huge agility buff after doing barbed shots (azerite talents). That **** was 100% broken.

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Guess you didn’t played BM on MOP launch with Readiness, Stampede and Lynx Rush.

God, that was some fine burst, I miss those days.

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Just stop nerfing any class!
Do your testing, release and leave alone. This is getting very old rather fast.
This is not a small indie company… if I ran my business like this I would not have one…
do it once, check it twice, add a 3rd for fun be done!!

We have nothing for rot damage on a reasonable CD.

We have tools for creating distance, we have ways to soak a few large hits, we have mediocre healing, but for something like a DoT we are 100% dependent on healers to save us.


yeah rot damage is definitely the one issue I will agree with unless playing sv where the leech from a ferocity pet slaps. If leech worked for bm and mm had access to pet utility so it could grab the 10% leech that would honestly be enough imo