It’s all fine because it’s not a massive nerf and it’s a nerf to the 4 pieces bonus only not the base damage. But i remember when demonology was hit with 3 consecutive nerfs between 1.0.7 and 10.1 lot of people on the forum had this attitude that if you’re a top player you’ll remain a top player but my damage on my demonology warlock went from pretty good when 10.0.7 went live to mediocre once the 3 nerf hammers had done their job. It went back to sort of goodish once i got the 4 pieces, the back and the class trinket but the road to get there was a painful one, painful enough that i decided to switch class.
So yeah it’s fine cause it’s not a major nerf but going with the attitude that if you’re good you’re good and if you’re not you’re not is, in my very humble opinion and said without any intention to offend, kind of elitist. It’s fine for now. But i hope they’ll monitor this closely and make sure an average gamer like me can still do good dps when everything will be said and done. Not sure using the top 3% as a baseline to balance classes is the best way to do it. The opposite would not be either. Got to take into account casual players like me and try to balance classes for everyone who can press buttons on a keyboard and understand simple mechanics.