Seriously? Still no pre-patch?

Did Blizzard forget that Shadowlands is supposed to come out in less than a month now? Did they forget that they have a huge, paradigm shifting patch which should of come out last week and still is a no show a week later?

If only I could get paid to essentially do nothing.


Ah yes, blizzard is actually just sitting there right now with their thumbs up their butts.


Probably. What you gonna do about it? Renew your sub anyway?


It’s blizzard. Whatchu expect?

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They decided to queue for overwatch ranked instead and are still waiting for a match.


dude.they arent not doing anything, lol.
more likely theyre in a panicked scramble right now knowing they put out a date that might not be as reasonable as they thought when they said it.
Im guessing the devs are putting in lots of OT trying to get this thing ready.
And ready, it aint.


Prepatch already happened. Did you miss it?


No one plays competitive! Oh wait, i see what you did there.


theres like 40 threads about this… stop flooding with more

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Did you forget they neutered the prepatch event so badly they can put it up for a week and no one would notice?


From the majority people I’ve been seeing, they don’t want the pre-patch for the pre-patch events, but more so for the leveling changes and customization options. I know I care very little about the actual pre-patch events, in fact I don’t care about them at all.

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What event? There is no event anymore because of complaining.

The leveling changes and customization, along with putting BFA behind us is the only thing to be excited for at all.

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Pre-patch is huge. It will change the feel of the entire game and for a little while at least make it feel new. Plus no more corruption and no more damn visions!

I can’t wait.

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can’t wait to see you back here 48 hours after the patch complaining that there’s nothing to do and you’re bored


I’m not one of those. I complain about substantive issues- not because I’m bored.

So they are doing nothing?

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Yup they totally forgot.


i read it a few times. Kept running in a circular pattern and got a bit of a headache so I left it like it was. lol

Don’t need an event. Let’s just get to Shadowlands already.


I really cant figure that one out, lol.
Ive been playing this game since mid 2017 and literally upwards of 14 hour days at times. I realize Im late to the game but even when theres ‘nothing to do’ theres still a crap ton to do in this game.

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