lol what a troll thread
Only from Evilglinda.
You picked a realm with no horde. What did you expect?
dude, your character is level 12; dump that server and come to Grobulus so you can actually play the game as intended
try socializing
also your server is 99.9% alliance and you are horde
There are no horde on Pagle, that is your issue. Try Mankrik.
There’s 50-100 horde on pagle.
You will play it without LFD, and you will like it. It’s what you want, dear community member.
OP, I can empathize. I’ve been leveling a new character and yeah, no one does low level dungeons. The only time you see people around them there’s always a high level character running a lowbie through.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could actually run dungeons with an actual group? If only there was a tool coming in Wrath that allowed that very thing. But no…‘meh community!!’ Because it’s so community building to buy dungeon runs. Apparently Blizz would rather no groups do low level dungeons than people from different realms do them together.
But of course if the Classic devs gave a damn about the leveling experience, they wouldn’t be selling boosts. So this isn’t going to convince them of anything.
You wouldn’t have made it anyway
There still wouldn’t be anyone queueing for those dungeons even if you had the LFD system right now.
Lol I love that thread. Bloom gtfo’ed early in this one.
Try to group up and make friends with any other levelers you see in the world. Use /who to check for anyone within your level range and ask if they want to do a dungeon, this is usually the most effective way to get a low level dungeon group if you don’t already have friends to group with.
If you aren’t on a dead server, you shouldn’t usually have too much trouble finding a dungeon group with a little bit of effort. Use /who, group up with other levelers whenever you see them, and add any people you did dungeons with who you liked or were good. Sometimes you have to whisper a lot to get a group (and sometimes it goes fast), don’t be discouraged, you’ll eventually get some takers.
I do low level dungeons on my alts all the time and it never takes me more than 30 minutes to get a group, and usually it goes faster than that. If you make an effort to get a list of friends you can even sometimes get instant groups when everyone is online. People who aren’t getting boosted in my experience are usually happy to get in a legitimate dungeon group.
Actually very true. “Noob” dungeons don’t start till level 15 officially.
It’s an MMO. Go quest or quit playing classic. Doesn’t get more simple than that.
Tell that to RFC. You can enter at 8 and officially do it at 12.
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean anything. Nobody can read your mind and people want to do dungeons and other content and they will find any means necessary to find other players for said content because of the lack of a dungeon/group finder that is of decent quality.
You picked Horde on a server with no Horde players.
RFC, lvl 8. DM, lvl 10.
He’s on a server with zero other levelers.
Those are the minimum required and not recommended to do at that lvl, 5 lvl 8s in rfc is like doing sunwell in T2