Seriously, is Drain Life bugged?

So I did some testing with drain life today, just to see how bad it truly is, and oh boy is it a steaming pile of garbage in a dumpster fire.

I started at 68% health, and spammed drain life on a target dummy. By the time I got to 100% health I was at 5% mana, down from 100%.

This was 9 FULLY CHANNELED casts of drain life. Each cast is 4.4 seconds with my current haste levels.

This means in order to heal 32% health, I have to spend 95% mana, and channel drain life uninterrupted for 40 SECONDS (39.6 seconds technically but you get the idea)

Moreover, the tooltip says it heals for 500% of the damage caused. My personal tooltip says it causes 55,040 shadow damage.

If we do 55,040 x 500% = 275,200

Yet drain life only heals me for 42,750 - 89,960. 42k normal ticks, and 89k on a crit. While my tooltip says it hits for 55k, I could never get it to hit for that much. Normal ticks for me were 11,008 and 22,015 on a crit.

I’m no expert on how the damage is calculated but having such a massive disparity between the tooltip and actual damage seems like there’s something wrong.

What is going on with this spell?

If this is how it’s actually supposed to work, then I would just ask that it be deleted. It’s not serving us in any way being so weak and useless. Why do we have a spell in our kit that’s not even worth putting on our bars? 11,000 damage on 6mil+ health bars?? My pet hits for more than that and he can’t kill anything

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Topic beaten to death.

Drain Life is dead in TWW

Just like the spell.

I know it’s been talked about a lot but these numbers seem like a bug. How do you have a spell tooltip saying the spell does 5 times more damage than it actually does?

That seems like a bug to me

Usually spell tooltips show a number much lower than what the spell does, since they tend to not account for things like talents, buffs, debuffs, or procs.

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It isn’t bugged, it’s just terrible currently. It’s been brought up a few times since TWW launched but there haven’t been any changes.

I’m unsure how much your tooltip is stating that it should be doing, but my tooltip is under what it actually does. It just still does pitiful damage.

Edit: I guess crits do factor in since I tend to get 1-2 crits out of the 5. Without any crits it’s pretty close to the tool tip.

All of Drain life’s power was funneled into SOD. Sad that the spell remains as useless as corruption on demo

Corruption for Demonology should just be instant.

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yeah well idk if u noticed but the majority of every thing in this xpac is a flaming pile of dog ****

I guess they figured we have enough self healing from dark pact and 1 minute healthstones.

Honestly if I had to pick between the demonic health stone and getting a better drain life, I’m taking the demonic healthstone hands down. It would still be nice to have drain life get a bit of a buff at least though.

I didn’t see this part before so I’ll try to clear up any confusion. The total damage listed on the tool tip is how much damage it does over the entire cast of the spell, not per tick. It does 5 ticks for ~11k damage which equals the 55k on the tool tip.

It’s not doing 55k per tick for 4 seconds, it’s doing 55k over the course of 4 seconds. With 5 ticks, that 11k per tick. You should be healing ~50k per tick since it does 500% healing.

Corruption or some other dots will specifically say that it does X amount of damage every Y seconds. Drain life does not.