So I did some testing with drain life today, just to see how bad it truly is, and oh boy is it a steaming pile of garbage in a dumpster fire.
I started at 68% health, and spammed drain life on a target dummy. By the time I got to 100% health I was at 5% mana, down from 100%.
This was 9 FULLY CHANNELED casts of drain life. Each cast is 4.4 seconds with my current haste levels.
This means in order to heal 32% health, I have to spend 95% mana, and channel drain life uninterrupted for 40 SECONDS (39.6 seconds technically but you get the idea)
Moreover, the tooltip says it heals for 500% of the damage caused. My personal tooltip says it causes 55,040 shadow damage.
If we do 55,040 x 500% = 275,200
Yet drain life only heals me for 42,750 - 89,960. 42k normal ticks, and 89k on a crit. While my tooltip says it hits for 55k, I could never get it to hit for that much. Normal ticks for me were 11,008 and 22,015 on a crit.
I’m no expert on how the damage is calculated but having such a massive disparity between the tooltip and actual damage seems like there’s something wrong.
What is going on with this spell?
If this is how it’s actually supposed to work, then I would just ask that it be deleted. It’s not serving us in any way being so weak and useless. Why do we have a spell in our kit that’s not even worth putting on our bars? 11,000 damage on 6mil+ health bars?? My pet hits for more than that and he can’t kill anything