Seriously guys, fix Evoker empowered spells already

I’ve made multiple posts about them being bugged, and have seen others posting as well. Eternity Surge not casting at all sometimes. Empowered spells greying out your action bars permanently until you use another empowered spell. Empowered spells empowering up to full on their own as if you’re holding it when you’re not. Can we at least get these issues added to your guys’ list of known issues? Because you guys either aren’t aware, or don’t read these forums. Tons of daily maintenance going on, plenty of other random hotfixes, but your guys NEW spell mechanics on your flagship NEW class are broken as hell, how is that not a priority?


Just wanted to confirm these are issues I also am having. Empowered spells channel as though I am holding the button down when I am not, my hot bars randomly going dark as though all spells are unavailable when they are not, and I have even sometimes seen the bars get stuck on one of the procs occurring so I have blindingly bright lights on my procced abilities stuck permanently on.


I’ve been having this issue off and on since starting this character. I have it set to hold and release and usually just give it a tap so it autofires at level 1, but every so often it just ignores it and charges up all the way. Also having the surge issue where it just fails to go off at all. It’s really messing with my numbahs! Using ElvUI for now, but I’m gonna turn it off later and see if it still happens.


Same issue. Often times eternity surge will not fire after a cast. Give it one charge and nothign happens

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I can confirm this isn’t a UI addon issue, I’m getting it too. Generally the class works fine, but about every 5th cast or so an empowered ability will just keep charging until it’s either full charge and fires automatically or I cancel it, burning a GCD and whatever cast time went in to it and start it over. And that’s ignoring the other issues with empowered abilities like Eternity Surge randomly not firing or the random like half second delay before an empowered cast even starts sometimes, and the whole “yeah, you released the button at rank 2, but we’re gonna keep charging it to rank 3” thing.
Full addon list is DBM, Details, Silverdragon, Altoholic, Pawn, MapCoords, Capping which is BG timers, some old Handynotes packs and Torghast Tourguide because I keep forgetting to remove it.

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Yep. Same here, empowered abilities continuing to empower is super frustrating. Queuing arenas…channel dream breath, oops it didn’t stop, cancel the channel and try again oops it didn’t stop, try again, oh too bad I didn’t let the first one go through, now my team is dead.

+1 here, it’s super annoying considering I don’t want to fully empower a lot of my skills in rotation. Defeats the purpose of setting it to press and release, when it never registers the release!

I’m having the same problems. My empowered spells auto cast all the time as they get to the first charge. It’s very annoying.

mine’s the opposite, they don’t stop.

Empowered abilities auto casting charge level 1 is intended with hold and release if you just press the button instead of holding it.

The cause of this, to help mitigate it some until they fix it, is queueing an empowered spell ahead of GCD finishing. Cast an empowered spell off GCD and it’s fine, queue the spell before it’s available, which is something you’ve been able to do for years, and regardless of settings it acts as if it’s using press and tap instead of hold and release.

I also experience this issue, very frustrating.

Everytime I use Tip the Scales all my green abilties grey out. In solo arena this is getting ridiculous, as it leads to a loss or a guessing game on what I can use.

I’m here to confirm this is STILL a bug for evokers.

This has been an issue since launch.

It’s more noticeable now that my prevoker has season 2 tier pieces which has us using spiritbloom instead of reversion.

I cast a TA, echo what I can and use spiritbloom. Sometimes it will only cast one rank even though i’m holding the button down, which kills my HPS. This also happens with fire breath. It’s so annoying.

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