And the imbalance favoring Horde on the majority of PvP servers, with next to no action from horde players to address said imbalance does nothing to dispel the former. And yes, nothing dispels the “misguided” perception about the alliance player base. It’s misguided. Thanks for agreeing.
I endorse this as Alliance on Heartseeker
Not sure about other servers, but Thunderfury is pretty balanced. Probably 60-40 in favor of Horde. I’ve been ganked plenty of times/see a lot of world PvP. People underestimate Alliance players’ interest in PvP. This is Classic after all where almost all of us are 25+ years old and experienced with the game.
If You’ve dominated the server then the fact is you’ve won and an argument could be made that this is the most meaningful possible achievement you can have in WoW classic since it’s persistent unlike any raid, dungeon run or quest completion.
Like, on a more even playing field wherein people go directly for 1V1 with no outside interference there’s good odds that a lot of domineering players wouldn’t be able to handle themselves since zerg brawls do not lend themselves to greater personal skill.
But that isn’t the reality of WPVP where it’s about hunting down other players you believe you can beat and bringing as many advantages as possible to bear.
Really, what people in this thread want and need even though they aren’t saying it (and likely not realizing it) is BGs. Battle grounds would give players the even odds that they crave and syphon off players from the roving gank packs. Further, if this is still an issue you can establish battlshards that expressley pit imbalanced servers against each other.
It would be nice to have some numbers for this, admittedly. At the moment, we have some from WoWHead that may or may not be very accurate, and we also don’t really seem to have access to data that could be parsed in meaningful ways, such as times of activity, levels, gear, etc., etc.
We also don’t particularly have any reason to believe that if faction imbalance does indeed exist, and if that favors the Horde on PVP servers, that it isn’t due to cowardice on the part of people who play Alliance characters.
I could be wrong here, but it seems to me that I recall faction balance being quite the other way around, where the vast majority seemed to be Alliance, and (again, please correct me if I’m remembering incorrectly), Blizzard went to great lengths to do things like introduce Blood Elves to encourage more people to join the Horde. So, it’s interesting that Horde is so popular now.
Maybe you can understand a more direct approach: accusing Horde players of rolling Horde to hide behind population imbalances is childish. There are rational ways to discuss the issue of server imbalances, but your contribution was childish - as was that of the little dwarf above you, and many other Alliance on here. If you don’t want to be treated like a child, don’t act like a child.
This is a very strange sentiment.
Most of wpvp is played out in pockets: to date, after 15 years, there has never been a full server epic battle to ‘win’ the game. Nobody logs in and battles at once.
Victories can be found by the underdogs in open combat despite crazy ratios.
Where everyone loses is when basic travel and zoning is camped to a debilitating degree for the smaller faction. A tremendous corpse run time sink ruins gaming for a lot of people.
Under that scenario, the dominant faction is now paying $15 a month to play a verrrrrry slow version of bop-a-Tauren. If you think that’s winning: great, but I doubt your fun is the definition for everyone else.
What is victory for a faction?
The word fun comes to mind. Ive never heard anyone esle point to pop ratios and say: “ha! Look we won wpvp!” Ladders, leaderboards ala DAOC, etc are not an indication of player skill anywhere near say, the CDL on Faerlina. Look it up.
Remember that high school kid who couldn’t make the varsity basketball team, who then took it out on middle school pick up games? Is that who you really are deep down? Pressing an obvious advantage to feel all amaze?
Its a post like this that is actually motivating for anyone with a sense of justice to roll Horde Heartseeker. You definitely sound like you wouldn’t appreciate the varsity team showing up and exposing your actual skills Sorry dude that is just the vibe you bring to this dialogue.
Just hope that a certain handful of players from Faerlina dont decide to reroll as a side project and turn your power trip into our vacay to the JV basketball court
Here is why I can be so confident: you’d seek a new challenge rather than camp Taurens all day on a lopsided server if you had any real chops.
Except that wasn’t the case, these servers were dominate one faction or the other from the outset. No one won anything, they just chose to segregate themselves from the outset.
It’s the fallacy of the entire argument of Blizzard " fixing " server imbalances. Blizzard didn’t create them to begin with, players did it themselves. The only way Blizzard could fix it is to forceably slam two servers together and then never allow transfers. If you ever opened up transfers, players would just do it again.
Isnt the point of PVP about a War between the 2 sides? In War the side with the largest numbers usually wins. And the side that loses will have to come up with excuses.
It wouldn’t be a 80-20 majority if cowards didn’t run away to heart seeker. Now that the Alli have the same situation there, they can experience what the Horde does.
GG Cowards, you screwed over the Alliance on the realms you ran away from by lowering their numbers, screwed over the Horde by making it harder to find PvP, and screwed yourself over by making it hard for you to find PvP. Well played.
Blizz simply need to merge Heartseeker back to its origin Stallag… Balance solved for both servers.
Yes, if you’re putting it into the context of War, then the larger force can typically be the victor. So can the smaller force.
However, that’s on a myriad of other things that you can’t put into context in this game.
You’re ignoring the issue in the context of the game.
The Horde is only dominant of Stalagg because a massive chunk left for Heartseeker as a result of open transfer due to server issues.
Heartseeker is Alliance dominant now.
The glaring issue is that at some point, the disadvantaged side will dwindle until they quit.
Whether this is a result Blizz is aiming at or not is hard to say, but nonetheless an issue that can occur.
Then, as they say, the kings will sit on their throne of dirt with no one to fight.
You remember correct but that rebalancing was in the era of the horrendous BG queue, right? I dont think it was used to balance open world pvp.
One thing overlooked: Blizzard’s easy button is BGs. All this macho camping bs will die off once BGs are in place.
Dont be shocked if the glorious purge of wpvp lasts between all of next week and winter break…just in time for the resub cycle!
Cmon dude. Stealing lunch money makes you a bully, not a winner.
I’m not concerned about how people treat me online, do as you wish.
You don’t think all the previous experience of PvP servers over multiple expansions in retail was enough evidence that the same thing would happen on classic? That population would be skewed in favor of horde on almost every server? Anyone paying attention knows how War Mode turned out. And knowing that, and having years of evidence to draw from on how PvP servers end up, the majority clicked horde again for classic. What other conclusion should I come up with other than these people chose horde on PvP servers knowing how things will work out? Classic may be a different game, but the mentality of the player base regarding PvP doesn’t change overnight on August 26th.
And that’s fine, provided they can accept the results of that choice.
One last edit: I want to take an opportunity to plug Fairbanks for potential Alliance players. The H to A ratio isn’t that bad it seems, most of the Horde players seem to have a fair sense of play regarding PvP here. You might get ganked, but I’ve yet to get harassed to the point of frustration by anyone. It’s been a lot of fun thus far.
Except in Classic there is no War to be had, even the BG’s are nothing more than skirmishes. Even if you " win " by dominating the server what have you won? Less PvP and essentially turning your server into a PvE server.
Lets be honest here, one faction dominating the other has nothing to do with winning anything when it come to Classic. It’s just a way for the bulk of people to say they play on a PvP server when they don’t actually want to engage in world PvP at all. Basically it’s a server full of people hiding behind their muscle, otherwise as the OP suggests PvPer’s would be transferring in droves to find a more target rich environment. That’s not what happens though, they all run the other way so they can hide behind superior numbers and then laughably call those that play on PvE servers carebears
I was merely refering to another post someone made about how people hide behind the larger numbers.
There is a misconception people have when it comes to the point of PVP in this game. Especially world PVP. Its not meant to be balanced. Its not a set stage where 2 teams are competing. Its supposed to be a War. War is unfair, and those who capitalize on their enemy’s weaknesses will win.
Its War. Not care bears and ponys
I dont disagree with you. Ive seen it happen on both sides where they run back to hide behind something untill they have a force to fight with or just to use NPC’s to kill their opposition.
Well then, cowboy, how bout you tie yer uny-corn to that peppermint stick hitching post, and reroll Faerlina?
Thought so.