Serious druid question

If we do classic in 1.12 will my cat and bear form be the same color as my hair or will every NE cat and bear look the same?

They will all look the same.


I don’t remember which expansion added it. But it was a very cool feature.

Come on Blizzard if you can add loot trading that noone wants at least give us color coordinated druid forms!

Unless they use the new models I don’t see them doing that. Those ugly original forms will be back!


I don’t care how ugly they were…I don’t want us all to be the same color. Ever done a 40 druid raid in color matching bears and cats? Enough to drive a healer nuts

If it makes you feel any better, I think the tauren and NE bear/cat forms are different from one another :smiley:

I want my purple cat form…

when the barber was added in BC


Yes they are one has horns the other has NE markings on the shoulders

The old druid forms are beautiful.


Hope we can get a blue post on if we can get the old druid forms but with color matching fur to match the characters hair.

Cataclysm boo, hated that change because they gave night elf druids a different transformation.
Night elf post cataclysm cat form was my favorite I didn’t care about bear form as it was ugly.

You will all look the same depending on if you play Alliance or Horde