There is a game breaking bug in effect that has caused fractured sparks to simply not drop as they should (at least for a couple weeks now) for a certain subset of characters. This is creating a scenario in which a decent number of players are simply no longer able to craft items/embellishments/whatever simply due to the fact that they cannot access the crafting system at all (because once again it requires fractured sparks that they aren’t getting).
Whatever this bug is, it’s lead to scenarios where people like my husband are now multiple fractured sparks behind (aka a full spark for him at this point). I don’t know what the logic is regarding whatever is happening here, but it seems to be character specific. His alts are able to access the fractured sparks each week while his main is not.
If I had to guess, I would assume all of this is related to some logic they are using regarding that free spark they gave out with that quest regarding the exploiters that messed something up for alot of people.
Basically for the last couple of weeks there are characters that are unable to recieve their fractured spark rewards for those weeks. They do everything possible that can award the fractured sparks (think pinnacle caches, sparks of war, titan discs, whatever) but of course it never drops.
Sadly, the GM responses (multiple in our case) are all cookie cutter responses as if we don’t even know what fractured sparks are (or how to obtain them). We’re simply not able to get help of any kind here. I’m trying real hard not to be upset here, but we have been around since day one.
This kind of customer support is not even in the same freaking universe as what Blizzard used to be capable of. They would always go out of their way to help their players, but now things have swung so far in the opposite direction it’s as if they nerfed the GM’s into oblivion (like nerfing an overpowered class during a raid).
Every GM we have spoken too has been cookie cutter/seemingly AI (sorry, we can’t/wont help) in which they also tell us to just file a bug report. The next week rolls around and the same issue happens again with the new fractured spark that doesen’t drop and we repeat the entire process.
Please Blizzard, look into this fractured spark issue and consider empowering your GMs to actually help with issues. This is becomming really crappy for alot of players.
Yeah what you described is also the conclusion I came to about this GAME BREAKING BUG.
The bit about GMs not helping though seems to be very inconsistent some of the other forum posts here reporting GMs resetting their account or granting them the missing fragments so I’d really like to know how some GMs can help and others… are useless(AI/robots if I had to guess)
Every ticket is answered by a human, and yes they can make mistakes if you have to ticket them again and only until they say no more. Remember that some things are beyond what can be done.
There is no AI so please drop that stuff. Also remember that some peoples issue may be different to your own issue, they also may have explained their issue in a different manner to you.
When communicating with blizzard keep it concise and to the point, with no emotion or threat. Only state facts.
I can personally attest to like 5 interactions we have had with seperate GMs in which almost all of them claim that it’s simply beyond their capability to award sparks (or help with this in any way).
I really have no idea how people are getting GM’s that actually can pass out sparks, if we encounter a person like that I’ll post here but in the mean time I think increasing visibility on this issue is the only thing we can do to get the dev teams attention.
Players/characters not being able to craft is a big problem and does demand some attention.
Just to let you know, if they say they can’t help in your situation/case then the answer will always be NO, particularly after multiple tickets. Like i said sometimes the outcome you want is not available because of limitations that they have of what they can and can’t do.
Delgan, I always strive to keep everything as clear and concise (and sprinkle in as much professionalism as possible).
The reason for that commentary regarding the “cookie cutter/AI esque” description of what happened is because (once again) we just presented all of this information to yet another GM (including a step by step analysis of every step we had done week by week, quests we had completed, pinnacle caches, sparks of war, etc) and they simply hand waved it as we didin’t even know what a spark was by telling us to go do the Pinnacle Cache quest. It’s like…guys…come on.
Blizzard is not acting with any professionalism towards this matter in our interactions (despite us being polite and concise). Choosing to question just what the hell is happening each time they handwave us (with these game breaking bugs) becomes an imperative when this keeps happening over and over.
So yes, I understand they can make mistakes. But it’s happening week after week and they aren’t even reading our messages. “Frustration” is no longer the word that really applies here, and after the last GM response we recieved I am indeed questioning if a real person even interacted with us.
It was truly bizzare and unprofessional at the very least.
I was very clear that the responses from the GM(s) have been “cookie cutter esque” and feel seemingly AI. When they don’t respond to what you just said and post some generic information I get vibes that no real interaction has occured (aka the emphasis on “seemingly”).
I think my personal highlights from my ticket so far is the GM that called it the wrong name, the GM that said you can only get it through the Call of the World Soul quest even though I said I had already done it, and the GM that said it isn’t a guaranteed drop from the cache from the Call of the World Soul quest.
Yeah I am not sure white knighting for Blizzard is the play here Delgan they have very poor customer service and GMs have become a laughing stock with what they can and can’t do, but that’s not what we are here to discuss so lets drop it.