Unsundered of Mal’Ganis is a 1-Day AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) heroic team.
We are mixed group of players with busy schedules. Our goal is to achieve AOTC every tier and complete any meta raid achievements. We get together once a week to have a focused raid experience.
We are looking for mature players who can maintain consistent attendance and performance, so we can make the most of the 1-day of raid time each week.
Raid Times:
Monday // 8pm - 11pm CST
Currently Recruiting:
Tank: Closed
Healer: Closed
DPS: Death Knight (Frost/Unholy), Warlock (any)
Recruitment Contacts:
Sawfty#11491 (Btag)
seraphguild .com/recruitment
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Hey, this matches up with what I’m looking to do in terms of time, content and commitment. I haven’t raided (retail) in quite some time, but I take raiding very seriously and have always been very committed to improving, helping the raid, and don’t scoff at criticism. I main Holy Pal but I know Ret will be strong 10.2, I wouldn’t mind playing most melee dps tbh. I’ll add a contact you listed here, and I’m avail at Magazines#1439.
Great! Also feel free to use our seraphguild website for application!
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Hey! Im returning from a break from this current tier and am looking to get back in to AOTC Raiding. I currently have a 430 monk and am also leveling a fury warrior. Would love to chat!
I’ve found a guild but thank you for the reply!
Just applied on the website. Hoping to hear back from you folks. Thanks for your consideration.
Bump! Looking for a non-priest Healer with DPS off-spec preferred.
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Just sent in an application. Hit me up if you have any questions.
Got your app and we’ll reach out shortly!
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Updated team recruitment needs as of 1/16/2024.
Looking for a Warlock and DK to join in our fun!
Come join us for our AotC kill!
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