Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

Copied from: Philippines - WoW Classic Connection

I am in Makati on a fiber connection (UL/DL of 26MBps/24MBps tested as of 30 seconds ago). I have no issues with any other connections, but about 24 hours ago Classic WoW went from a standard steady 200ms ping to 350+ms ping and spiking to 4k.

I also get disconnected regularly and cannot log in from the Battlenet launcher. Manual login does work, however. I should note that I have asked others on the Remulos server if they are having issues and the responses have been that they are not.

I rand a traceroute and pathping (not attached since the forum says “can’t include links in your post”) but your Looking Glass test does not list the Remulos server and I do not read Korean.

[Edit - Added Info] I have made a test character on Bloodsail Buccaneers and have a ping of 229ms. My best assumption is that this is an issue with Oceanic servers connecting to the Philippines.

[Edit - Added Info] ProtonVPN does not improve the latency, no info on diconnect issues yet.