Sentinels Alliance Reconnections

Do you remember Kirae at all, Peppurr?

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Aureo! I remember you! we used to hang out in BC actually. I was Kirae but also other characters. I’m on Moon guard now though.

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I also came back after a while with a new name, Ashlynde

Eeee! hughughug <3

Also! The rogue still lives, but she’s not entirely my main anymore. Crey is my tank!

Nice! :smiley:

I’m in the midst of remaking Convo now that us littles got the silver to do so. Haha.

Nice, haha! How well I remember. I rolled my toons, but haven’t had a chance to play them yet. Hopefully this weekend!

THALLIA! I remember you too :slight_smile: And Thalassar as well (and having an autodialer rickroll him, which for some reason was hysterical that he kept answering instead of ignoring it, ha!)

Should change my character back. Weirdo monk that only levels on holidays. Bah.

Incidentally, Thallia, I have a character or two lurking to be leveled on Bloodsail as well, although I’ll primarily be on DD, it looks like. Shockingly, someone snagged the Aloaki name on BB… not a common name, and almost never taken, so was surprised to say the least! BB will be my horde characters, mostly, but it looks like a few friends will be Alliance there, so gotta lurk :wink:

I remember you I was in Modus Operandi. You had a paladin named Jeanette and a few others I can’t remember at the moment. Haas was our GM.

Modus Operandi was around before Nemesis.

Oh yeah, I forgot your paladin was named Cristala

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I doubt anyone remembers me, but I was the person who always had to cover her birds from Modus Operandi ROFL.

Draenika - NE Resto Druid in Modus Operandi in BC and Abaddon in WotLK.


Lasercats , Mage not in vanilla though I was all Horde PVP then, so Dranei

Allegory Guild

Hey Blue! I know you know who I am.

Gnome Rogue - Roguester
Human Warlock - Lockster
Night Elf Druid - Joddhan

Hope everyone has been doing well since they last explored Vanilla Azeroth.

Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile! How have you been old friend?

But do I know who I am? =P

/happy waves

Sentinels will always be home for me, even if I never log into Retail again.

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Anyone remember Zelendorf/Zeldendorf?