Sentinel Owl question, for those that have used it

How useful is it for you?

I’m giving up a defensive to take this ability and I’m curious as to how often you have used it. I can see times where I would never use it at all in a raid/dungeon and other times where I would absolutely want it. Seems like it would be more useful in pvp than pve.

For those that aren’t familiar with the new hunter talent, it’s basically a talent that allows you to ignore line-of-sight for a few seconds. You still need to be in range and you still need to be facing the target though. The duration time depends on how many stacks it has and stacks are generated by how much focus you spend doing attacks and the stacks don’t reset between combat. Essentially, its a CD that you can use maybe every other boss fight.

It’s a cheap replica of the kyrian ability for hunters you can now take into. I could be wrong but the aoe area on it seems smaller then the kyrian ability. Also instead of a regular cd it ticks up to 5 before you can use it. Doesn’t seem to last long but I did see one time that my ticks were up to 11 after fighting several enemy players

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I tried using it today and I’ve gotta say I’m not going to bother with it in arena. It just doesn’t seem to work well enough to be worth the absolute hassle it is.


immediate regret

it’s not worth the talent points itself, and the opportunity cost of getting it just compounds that even further
might as well delete the ability


I’m running kyrian so my personal LoS is all sorted. I’ve not run into a situation in M+ or raid where the leech or LoS where worth giving up DPS, defensives, or utility.

its really really bad imo, the area is MUCH smaller than kyrian arrow, i don’t believe it has the 4 second lingering effect attached to it and it doesn’t do anything to increase damage.

I really don’t see any reason to take it.

In dungeons and raids, when you need to take cover from a mass aoe from the boss, one would think you can dps said boss from behind that cover, and you can have other players benefit from it too. Both wowhead and icyveins seem to recommended it. However I haven’t personally tested it out.

Someone could do a quick test in Mechagon: Workshop on the second boss, K.U.-J.0.

When the group has to hide behind the box, drop Sentinel with the group line-of-sight buff and see if it is a benefit. The Tank will need to place the boss just to the opposite side of the box for melee.

I love-hate it. While it give Hunter group utility which I love, it only 5% leech and that IF you pick it. I rather have classic aura back even if it poo be better then leech.

It would work, but the KU-JO safespot is so commonly exploited anyway it’d be somewhat of a waste of points.

I’ve tried it in an epic Bg and standing behind a pillar it didn’t work for me.
Got killed every time I tried it out.
Annoying as anything.
Maybe I’m doing it wrong… who knows…

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I agree. It is such a niche ability as well as being lackluster. Not worth the points.

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My Hunter is a member of the Survival masterrace so not at all.

I tried it for a few dungeons and raids and then removed it. I think I only casted it by accident. I’m primarily a pve player and while it did charge up out of combat and would be available conceivably anytime I wanted to use it, I just don’t see it having a real place on my action bar.

Just ignore it completely. It’s just there for aesthetic reasons to make talent tree look prettier

Dumb very useless talent not worth putting any points into at all as it is.

They made the ability specifically to confront a long standing complain among hunters about having no raid wide abilities. I personally think it’d make more since for an LoS ignoring ability to be coupled with hunters mark someway, though.