Sentinel Glyph gone

Learned this glyph last week, but the appearance is gone and doesn’t show in the flight form selector… not really sure what’s up with that, but the glyphs aren’t cheap.

Same here.

Did you check and see if the form is available at the barber shop? Druid form glyphs are now consumables that give you the permanent ability to change into the form using the barber.

  • Glyphs that change the appearance of a Druid’s form are now one time use and unlock the appearance permanently at the Barber Shop.
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I checked, its just gone. The glyph of the Orca for the swim form is also gone, although I now have Tideskipper, which I never had before.

All the previous glyph appearances have to be relearned as the new Mark of “name” they no longer work as appearance override despite still showing on the spell icon. You have to pick them up all over again.

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It’s completely gone.