200k each
Admirable, Affectionate, Blissed, Boyfriend, Crabby, Elk, Enough, Hobby, Irritate, Laggy, Mythology, Passionate, Plushy, Poetry, Seraph, Seraphim, Slush, Snob, Spot, Vindicator
Best way to contact me is through bnet: Sleepy#17768
200k each
Admirable, Affectionate, Blissed, Boyfriend, Crabby, Elk, Enough, Hobby, Irritate, Laggy, Mythology, Passionate, Plushy, Poetry, Seraph, Seraphim, Slush, Snob, Spot, Vindicator
Best way to contact me is through bnet: Sleepy#17768
I can’t imagine anyone paying a copper for those stupid trash names
Also, you’re a douche