Self Highlight

So, I’m looking for a Self Highlight toggle macro. Anyone know what the console command is for this particular menu item?

/run local enabled = ToggleSelfHighlight() print("Self Hightlight:", enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled")

Thank you!

Edit: It doesn’t seem to work.

Seems to work with the highlight set to Circle or Highlight but not with Icon, probably because it’s considered a marker.

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I gotcha! I had to enable it in the menu first, then I use the command macro to toggle from there!

If you want to toggle the Icon as well, you could extend the macro to

/run local enabled = ToggleSelfHighlight() C_CVar.SetCVar("findYourselfModeIcon", enabled and "1" or "0") print("Self Hightlight:", enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled")

To complete the set, if you just want to toggle the icon:

/run local enabled = not C_CVar.GetCVarBool("findYourselfModeIcon") C_CVar.SetCVar("findYourselfModeIcon", enabled and "1" or "0") print("Self Hightlight:", enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled")

There’s also a keybind directly for it in the options console. Now to figure out how to get it so it’s only enabled in combat.

If you find a way for that, maybe there’s a way to toggle it automatically in dungeons, too. That’s what I really want it for, but the macro works well.

To self-highlight only in combat set Self Highlight to whatever setting you want it to be (I like Outline) then put this in chat:

/run SetCVar(“findYourselfAnywhereOnlyInCombat”, 1)