For the Legionfall quest “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy” world quests completed on the Broken Shore do not seem to register past 1. I completed 6 yesterday but the quest tracker still showed 1/8. I dropped the quest and started it over and have done 2 world quests but it still only counted up to 1/8. The second did not register. This quest is necessary to complete the achievement Breaching the Tomb to unlock Feathermane taming. I hope it gets fixed soon otherwise my days and days of grinding out this content will be for naught.
Same issue here, I did 5 World Quests today after having 1/8 yesterday and it is still at 1/8. Already submitted a bug report, hope this gets fixed up.
Same issue as well. Two of us did 6 world quests, and only one counted. No clue what’s going on there, but it’s… quite frustrating and demoralizing after doing the rest of the quests.
Same problem here.
Ironically have completed the Legionfall world quest which proves that I completed at least 4 world quests there, but am still at 1/8.
Blizz you broke it. Please fix it.
Same thing happening to me. I finished all 8 but it still says 1/8 completed. Anyone know how to fix this? I really want to progress forward. I have never had an issue with this quest. I opened a ticket but they just directed me to this page. Not sure how to report a bug. I logged back in today and dropped the quest, picked it back up and completed 2 wq’s but it only counted 1/8 again. This was on my other toon, Aquerius on Silverhand. Finished them on my DH with no issues.
Same issue here. Did 6/8 on first day of having the quest. Quest counted up to 6/8. Logged off for the night. Came back the next day and the quest counter was now at 1/8. Did a few world quests and counter stays at 1/8. Abandoned quest and tried to restart, let’s you get to 1/8 but does not progress further. Very sad days.
Definitely broken. I’ve done over a dozen world quests on Broken Shore. Still seeing 1/8 completed.
same here did 7 quests but still 1/8 shows up
I did all of them without noticing, now I’m all out of world quests, I didn’t know it was bugged =( now I have to wait until they all come back, and fix issue, sadge.
It is still saying 1/8 after I dropped quest and started over, this is day 2 of it doing the same thing.
Im in the same boat i did of them only 1 got recorded and they all were broken shore WQ
Same here. Day 4 of trying to get past 1/8. Super frustrating…
I was having the same problem, but it appears only the counter is broken, the quest still registers the WQ’s done, it just doesn’t show it. If you return to Velen after doing eight, the quest jumps to complete and you can hand in.
Further update, it appears to be a display bug, as Buttercup above mentioned. The internal counter is still incrementing, the display counter is not.
Completed the quest by simply continuing.
im trying to do the self-fulfilling prophecy quest but it’s not counting the world quests after completion.
Same issue happening to me, completing WQ in Broken Shore does not count towards the quest.
Showing 1/8 after dong several WQ. Please fix asap and give credit for the WQ that have been done so people aren’t waiting days to complete.
Same here completed 6 broken shore WQ today and it still shows 1/8. Please fix so I can continue the Breaching the Tomb achievement. Thanks!
Same here. Did at least 10 quests in two days still show 1/8
Same here friend, put it off for awhile and started it up again today and cannot progress further than 1 of 8. I reported the bug as well, hopefully Blizzard notices and resolves the issue posthaste.
-Light be with you!