Self Found Lvl 60 suggestion

Today, a guildie suggested SF level 60s should be able to trade with other SF 60s (still no AH or mail). I understand why this might go against the spirit of true SF, but at the same time it seems restrictive enough to be a nice perk if you make it to endgame.

This wouldn’t include the “do not trade” enchant window at bottom, and maybe even all materials or BOE items would be a bad idea. It could even be a curated list (by Blizzard) of cross-profession items, such as enchanting rods or deep rock salt out of the shaker, where allowing trade at 60 would open SF enchanting up a bit and some other professions like LW. No gold could exchange hands but it could be a barter system, or even charity-based.

I’m sure there’s exploits to this I haven’t thought through and nearly a 0% chance of it happening, but wanted to put it out there.


Honestly the only reason to play SF in my opinion, is because there is no trading at 60, which means for the most part there will be no Petri raiding/dungeons. If they allowed SF to trade at 60, without disabling it, then it breaks the only thing SF really has going for it in my mind, since then people could trade for their petri flasks.


Can it be disabled at 60?

You can remove the SF buff whenever you want. If you’re just doing it for the achievement you can remove it after you hit 60. At 60, your soul of iron buff, should show you made it to level 60 with SF enabled, and you can then choose to turn it off if you want to use the mail/trade/ah at 60.

Once removed of the SF buff cannot be reapplied.

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I think people make far too big of a deal about “petri-raiding”

Let’s say hypothetically you disable the petri-flask.

First off what are the current uses of petri:

  1. Drop threat off of yourself
  2. Allowing of some unique boss strategies
  3. Bail out teleport mechanic

#1 Most people do not have an issue with 1
As it’s just a long divine shield/iceblock for all with a long duration and high cost. Even then BOP and LIPs can achieve amost the same value except physical only (so doesn’t work on something like Twin Emps)

#2 The only thing that really comes to mind is using Petri to not be forced to drop ignite on something like Thaddius and basically just ignore the insane threat it’s generating. Still this is on the same level as kite cheeses and removing it would just increase kill times slightly.

#3 teleport bail out strategy. Ok people will just drop a portal before every pull now. Alternatively you could have some crazy strategy where a raid has 40 warlocks each assigned to summon a person before any type of sketchy pull or boss fight to give you a 2 minute window to accept the summon to bail out instead. Also rogues and hunters already have ways to escape and heck every person could carry a swiftness of zanza pot and simply “outrun the mobs” to the raid entrance if things go south.

Just saying the petri is simply the easiest way to have a raid avoid a death. There are other methods people could employ as well.

What people are really wanting is not “remove petri” but instead “you must win fight or die.
Running is not an option!” However running is a very normal and viable strategy people use hundreds of times in the open world. Why should a dungeon/raid not allow running while you can run in open world? It’s already much harder to run in an instance.

Really the only issue I have with Petri is its use as a Bail out teleport mechanic, and while I realize some classes can do this, it simply means anyone even doing dungeons at 60 has to carry a petri, because even if something minor goes wrong, there is a chance your healer or tank could just petri out, forcing everyone else to or simply to die. I know some classes like rogues and hunters can escape but the impact isn’t nearly as catastrophic and feel they are less likely to bail at least while the tank and healer is up.

While not super into the SF play style since I don’t feel I need the restrictions it places on me as well I don’t tend to ever Twink my alts, since it does essentially eliminate Petri dungeons/raiding, I will probably reroll a couple of my alts, and slowly work them up. I also don’t expect to do any raiding, so having a low SF 60 population probably shouldn’t be a problem.

if you wanna trade, disable SF buff :expressionless:

the “bailout strategy” is the problem :expressionless:
and only being able to use a portal while out of combat fixes that issue

portals only last 1 minute anyway, so casting a portal before every pull is not nearly as good as petri exploit. i bring it up because you are trying to gloss over this fact.

99% of situations you know you need to bail in less than 1 minute. Almost every single petri clip you ever watch it’s due to a botched pull that would have been accomplished just as well with clicking on a portal.

Even when it’s a slow fail and die if you were to pop a swiftness of zanza you run faster than enemies (and this lasts 2 hours). Heck I used it to do some solo boss kites back in the day making it super safe and easy as nothing could catch you.