Seething Shore Has to Go

I love SS (and that’s on any class)
I don’t think they should remove any bg’s at this point but re-add blacklisting.

Just /afk out. The system works fine.

Lol I didn’t think we were the only class that could ninja nodes from a map.

I don’t even lower myself to capping flags in AB like some peasant, why should I be expected to act out a level 16 orc in durotar whacking ore?

Not having a timer in rated seems ill-conceived, but that’s about the only negative thing you can say about this BG.

It’s an exercise in awareness and control. Knowing when to assist your team mates and when to break off to cap a freshly spawned node, knowing whether it’s better to kill enemies to secure a cap or control them to prevent giving them a free rocket-boosted ride to the next node, these are the types of decisions that determine victory or defeat.

This BG is great because it removes the tedium of someone being expected to sit around and defend a base that may not ever be assaulted, it punishes the “zerg” playstyle which puts a greater emphasis on individual skill, and the airborne assault theme is just so much more badass and engaging than simply mounting up and riding out of your graveyard.

I get that everyone has their own opinions and preferences, but aside from rated teams locking themselves into drawn out matches by stacking too many healers, I see no reason for anyone to dislike this BG except for a lack of understanding of core concepts needed to succeed.

yeah there are a lot of bad maps, i would delete the following

seething shore, ashran, winter grasp, IoC, and deep wind gorge

Eh, most non-epic BGs punish zergs.

I think a lot of the frustration surrounding SS stems from the random nature of node spawns and the difficulty players have articulating node locations to random players in chat.

It’s alright in concept but could use some tweaking, maybe.

There are only 3 nodes active at a time. I really don’t see the difficulty in saying things like “mid” or “top right”. If somehow this is really a thing and players can’t process and convey simple information I guess Blizz could color the nodes so players could just call out the color.

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Farm is at a fixed point in AB. Mage tower, in EOTS.

“Top” isn’t super reliable in SS because it relies on random players opening their maps, sometimes in combat. Also, what was top at the time it was entered in chat may no longer be the top-most point just a few moments later when people actually get around to checking.

When you say “inc top” in DWG, people know exactly where top is without checking a map and they’re less concerned about that info becoming outdated by the time they wrap up their teamfight.

Interesting suggestion. It won’t work for colour blind people but if everything was labelled I think this could work. Hm.

Eh, works in Temple.

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Good point, well made. Labels and call incs at PURPLE AZERITE