Seetheing shore bg load in screen

Don’t know what’s happened or if its with me but it only started this patch every time i get the load in screen on this map and loads in the screen spazes/freaks out and it REALLY hurts my eyes and gives me a headache.

then it kicks me out of wow and i relog in and it works this has happened every time i get this bg this patch and it doesn’t happen in ANY other bg other then this 1.


still happening

Happening for me too right now.

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This just happened to me as well. Contacted blizzard about it and they said to update my gpu. Sigh…

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It seems to have gotten slightly better for me. but it is very annoying it it seems to be only on this map i have no idea why and it has only happened on this patch

So the screen doesnt flicker at all when u load in anymore? I was able to do a few ss yesterday no problem but then at night it started happening everytime i got that bg.

it still does it but not as often as when i first made it.

Sometimes i can load in just fine compared to when i first made the post where it did it every time

now it just does it every once in a while

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I attempted to join another seething shore battleground a few minutes ago and it happened again - screen flickers white until the game crashes completely. I guess the game just doesnt want me to play seething shore - played a bunch of other battlegrounds with no issues at all. I wish I knew a way to fix it because I never had this issue until this week.

I got it a few times today and it happened twice and the rest of the times it didn’t happen it’s very weird

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happening every time i get this bg - editted to add my drivers ARE updated


Thanks you for confirming we are not the only ones with this issue. I am in the process of talking to a blizzard GM about the issue but as of now its the usual spiel - update your drivers, disable background apps, blah blah blah. If we end of figuring it out I will let you guys know. I can certainly say I never had this issue before patch and it is so strange that it ONLY happens in seething shore. Another thing to note is that you can see the airship and bg score etc in the background very vaguely if you are brave enough to attempt to squint your eyes and see through the constant screen flickering - in other words the game registers me in the actual bg but something causes the screen to go haywire for some odd reason which often crashes the game entirely. Sometimes it doesnt crash and the world goes “back to normal” like nothing happened. Its wild man.


Thanks for following this up, hopefully it gets resolved. I never had this issue before, with any bg. I hope there will be a swift solution. Keeping an eye on this post.

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Another update I actually got to the point of just doing epics now just because of how annoying this was I did try randoms again and got this map and it did the same issue again. Has only happened this patch and was fine before it and it’s only this map

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Have you guys tried switching your graphics API from direct x12 to direct x11? I just tried the direct x11 setting and was able to enter seething shore twice in a row with no flicker.

i will give it a shot may take a few trys because the flicker seemed to be random i will give it a few days with this method or come back if it does it again

I will also give it a try when I can. All this effort for the one bg I cannot stand lol

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Encountering the same issue.
Have to alt-f4 and reload into the game.


Just had this happen. Had to shut down wow and completely restart it. After I loaded in again, it spazzed out for a second then ported me into the BG

It’s really annoying, every time I get Seething Shore I basically have to restart wow :expressionless:


Update on this i only got this map once so far surprisingly but when i used this method it did not spaz out. Not enough sample size to fully say this 100% works but it worked the 1 time i used it and got the map so far. for anyone wanting to try this method

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After switching to direct x11 in the graphics API setting I never had this issue again. The problem is blizzard wants us all to use direct x12 and they say the fact that I had to fix the issue by changing that setting points to it being a driver issue. I’m not saying they are wrong but it seems odds to me that all of a sudden it happens after the patch and I am not the only one. It could just end up fixing itself overtime but I fear blizzard will do NOTHING about this issue because in their mind its on our end not theirs. Very frustrating to say the least.