Mort is right, I can vouch. Grob TBC is infinitely better than garbage retail on dead Emerald Dream. I got a few hundred kills fresh thru the dark portal. It felt nice ;D
The main thing TBC has right now that is kicking the hell outta retail is no sharding. Instead there’s layers or something, but it seems to be going alright. Seems to be only two and you can hop b/w them with a simple party invite. One is usually quieter with questers/rp that still want PVP and the other is usually filled with raids of both factions battling or preparing for battle. As long as they don’t split it even further, this has been awesome. Alas, in retail right now I can take 10 dwarves into the world and not find a single Horde due to the warmode/sharding b/c once you hit some sort of threshold for either faction it pushes you into a shard with LESS of the other faction… thus having a lot of ppl playing so shards have more to kill in general is the only way even small to med scale wpvp seems to be possible on retail. It’ll get better when 9.1 hits and there’s more people overall playing retail, but the damned sharding at least has to go. Hopefully they can update retail with the layers thing they’re using in classic but not holding my breath. Be nice if ED returned to RPPVP server also and we didn’t have warmode, but I also know that’s a fantasy. Oh well… still runnin’ around on my hunter enjoying popping Horde when I see them. Looking forward to seeing how 9.1 shakes out with TBC also still advancing concurrently.
Posts like this are so dumb. You sound like a junkie in denial lol. Mort isn’t desperate, he’s doing you a favor. Go around the world on ED or any major city and it’s basically dead. Do the same on classic and cities and zones are packed. The quality of retail is so blatantly low that anyone who doesn’t see it is clearly lacking analytical skills. TBC is clearly way superior in every measurable way. TBC is, as mort said, the way wow is meant to be played.
The only thing classic players post about is how people should quit retail and play classic. Y’all contribute nothing else. Don’t they have a forum for your realm? This isn’t grobb.
Tbc is better than retail because it engages the second half of your brain. You have no other choice but to face the unknown if you are to get better.*
Get ganked.
Get good.
Retail is a wheelchair slowly moving towards the meds dispensary to numb the pain.
*If you often pay money or waste time on females to which you statistically will never be in breathing distance you have an extremely high chance of becoming upset at this post.