why is that? its consistant every time the battle in the Naga area happens BOOM horde everywhere taking three flags at once… I have yet to see an Ally win let alone a score of more than 100 points. tell me im wrong…maybe im just missing when allies score over 100.
Because alliance’s objective to gain loot is to run and hide, take portal to Boralus, or turn off warmode, leaving any chance of winning they had wasted.
ok seems legit
It’s because of the shards, which are extremely unbalanced.
10 char
They supposedly fixed this so that the sharding would be balance, yet when I am out there and I see it starting, horde numbers rises too quickly that we don’t even have time to get out there. It is over within minutes. There are a few of us out there when it starts but it is like they shard all the RP horde to one shard and the alliance gets split up or sharded off to the nether twisted lands.
Yes, many of the alliance have turned warmode off because of the imbalance of the sharding. I have been forced to turn it off because I too have been sharded with too many horde that I could not get quests done. I have also logged off and back on to get into a better shard. No, that does not always work.
Like many folks will say, don’t like getting horde camped, turn warmode off and so that is what a lot of us will do if need be. No need to turn warmode on if I can not even get quests done because we are being camped and over run by horde. Getting camped by 25 horde in one area while questing is no fun when it is just you out in that area. For me as a druid, it is easier to do but for other alliance who are not druid, rogue or night elf, it is harder to get away.
Do I try to run with warmode on? Sure do, I love wpvp. Do i die a lot? Sure do because I am not that great at pvp but I give it a go.
Sommer jumps up and out of feral form onto the soap box.
I wish they would just take those small RP servers and just put them with us all the time with no sharding and let us be ONE big server or LET Emerald Dream stand alone by itself.
It has become a flea infested nest that I am not liking. I hated sharding/CRZ on Fizzcrank and I am hating it here. Merge and rip that band-aid off or move them off the dead servers to the bigger servers and delete those dead servers. My other suggestion would be to give us the chance to add a last name so that when and if you do move those smaller RP servers, we can keep our first name and/or add a last name to add some individuality. The other two “Big” MMOrpg games do, why not us?
Sommer jumps off the soapbox and shadowmeld back into the forest.
Because Blizzard doesn’t give a daily AOO quest to get the Alliance into warmode.
When you are shard with a high population of horde and you can only count a handful of alliance, the reward can not help you if you are killed repeatedly and unable to complete the quests. So warmode off, do the quests, wait until our guild has more on and than we go hunting for the horde.
Yeah waiting for 10-20 from my experience… Still doesn’t save ya
Ally here reporting in with the win achievement.
Ive been wondering if it’s a time zone thing. I typically see the Horde steam roll the Alliance but occasionally I’ll be playing later than usual and see the opposite happen.
Last night I hearthed into New Home to see what I can only describe as a flood of Alliance trying to score a Horde kill for the participation point.
On either side I do loathe the throng tactic. I’m not sure who’s having fun when the lag’s so bad an instant cast is taking 30 seconds to register, like you’re playing D&D with a very distracted DM.
Have also won quite a few.
I have to find my groups in the group finder though, because otherwise it’s just Commanders and that’s no fun.